Hey you guys I have some more questions. This time it is about magic summoning.
I've been having trouble understanding how summoning works. Do you have to accumulate magic to perform summoning or do you do something else and just pay the cost from your reserve at the time of summoning? Also do gestureless and unspoken casting affect summoning?
When is the best time to perform a summoning? Is it in battle or before hand? What about for the arcana?
How do rituals work exactly? Do you apply the penalty for all summoning abilities or do you have to do separate rituals for each one? If the latter how are you supposed to keep the creature there while the summoner is doing their ritual?
Do you have to control a being before you can bind it? After a successful binding is the creature still under your control when you let him about but now set him free?
All right now for the nick knack. I've ask about limits with attack and defense but does it also apply to initiative? I have a player with extremely good luck and keeps rolling into the 400 and 500 range for initiative so I was wondering if it had a limit? Cause with initiative that high she always surprises the enemy.
Also does magic projection have a limit as well?