Alright forums Helllo!
Im having some isssues that are holding me and my players back. Im a new DM and will be running my first game ever.
Any help would be greatly apreciated. What should i look at to start with?
issue 1- on the character sheet were you put in the characteristics , there is Base, Actual then Bonus . How dose it work? i know the base is what you start with and Bonus is the modifier if im not mistaken but what is actual ? and how do you level up your characteristics ? Do level up ur base or your bonus?
ill post more questions later : ) thank you and have a good night.
Character sheet help! Im new to anima
the 'actual' column is where you write that score after it has received enchantments and such, that is at least what my group uses it for. and you level up the base when you receive stat points, and the bonus goes up with it at the right intervals.
Oh well that makes sense thanks allot for your help brewmaster_vitty!