Since Julia Brown works, then so should this....

By donald4, in CoC Rules Discussion

Sounds good to me! As with many new rulings or mechanics the impending and full consequences cannot be fully

realised until sometime afterwards when it has been more thuroughly tested. I like the idea. I hope 'replacement'

doesn't do to the struggles what the 'rituals' and such did to the resource system. I guess we're safe as long as

it's not too abundant or more importantly 'not too good'.

QUOTE; Marius

"For now, Julia’s usefulness in the game is reliant on her replacement effect, which allows her to bypass the insanity-producing effect of the terror struggle. The word “instead” lies at the heart of the replacement effect, as it allows the new effect to occur in place of whichever effect it is replacing. Not “in addition to,” but instead. This means that when Julia Brown sacrifices and “replaces” herself with a new copy from your deck, you have effectively gotten around the consequences of losing a terror struggle."

This ruling can be found here . The question boiled down to "Why isn't it in the rules book?" - but it is, under the Golden Rule. The meaning of the word "Instead" means you get one effect in the place of the other, not in addition to the other.

****, I finished all the popcorns and now I have to interact with the thread.

I'd say Donald's isn't an empty comment: in the past many cards had obvious flaws which weren't noticed until after a couple of years, and it took quite some posting before people were convinced they needed clarifications (I remember Brazier of Nodens auto-kill and triggered abilities' length discussion on the old forums). Clinging to "intent is clear" won't do any good to the discussion.

Have fun discussing what Julia does.

Let me ask an easier question... is she any good as a character/card? I don't see the point of having 2 or 3 copies of her in my deck just so I can bring her back if she goes batspit crazy.

well she'll have her skill and icons for later with the other struggles. terror happens first, then you sac her and replace her and she's back at the story. or the sleepwalker, which isnt released yet.

whether she is good is a matter of opinion.

And she'not expensive to play. Pay 2 for a neutral card with arcane and investigation icons and skill 3, it's very good. You can play it with any faction and save her from a terror struggle. A neutral card with an investigation icon is always interessant when you play the mythos where few characters have investigation icons.

totally agre with Jeff on this one ! Let's remind mystic Bounty Hunter, which was a great addition to the game !