I wasn't being serious. Time travel really messes up a campaign, and giving your party the ability to do so reliably changes the game. I'd recommend buying GURPS Time Travel or something similar to get a good dose of everything that could go wrong with this style of campaign.
Miloslav Warp Engines
Yeah, even in a game where EVERYONE can have superpowers (think M&M, or Marvel Heroic), and the people who don't are all effectively Batman, with the epitome of human ability, and the resources to buy off Death, Chance, and Physics, there are still a few powers that will get everyone to look at you like you farted in the room; then they burn your character sheet, and ask you to leave. In my experience, the best "regular" one was Telepathy, and my GM had to pull shenanigans out of the usual GM seat to deal with it, when he expected everyone in our Avengers Assemble! lite to have Super Strength, energy powers, or something more like Superman, less like Charles Xavier. While I know I have a certain flair for the snowflake, at least here, I was seriously just using the presented rules, and stuff; Telepathy/Mind Control just pisses people off. In the same bent, but much more so, Time Travel is among the most reviled powers you can have, or ask to use, and something you always hate the NPCs for "getting to do so easily". Even among a room of nothing but high-level wizards, you can clear the whole lot out, like the pizza buffet down the street just opened, by saying the word "Chronomancer". I've more or less done it with the players in question; wasn't even IN that game.
Time travel sucks, half the time even if it IS the plan of the game. In 40K, it would implode EVERYTHING. Thankfully, even the mighty forces of Chaos, who to some extent are masters of the warp, can't entirely manipulate that medium, so the Forces of Chaos can't hop in a ship, "arrive before the ever left", 10,000 years in the past, and sac Holy Terra, which is good. If Tzeentch can't make it happen, and Creed isn't Tactical Geniusing it behind a tree, for the Ordo Chronos to pop out, if even the Necrons aren't bending reality that much, I don't think we need it in the game, just my opinion. There, that's done pointlessly babbling.
The Imperium is STALEMATING Cadia because the Forces of Chaos can almost never launch a full-strength force, and they don't work together well, even with Abaddon lurking in the wings, while Cadia is the second best defended planet I can probably name; that, and GW writing, gagging, and rewriting. You might be in the camp of people who want 40K to move on, or you might be in the camp that fears that event, based on the ways Fantasy, White Wolf, and several other game lines "wrote their own end", and 50% of the people will be pissed off at the oucome, even if 80% support what they decided. Because of that, Cadia still stands, and Abaddon's cut-off forces continue to loiter there, possibly forever. Their calendar is weird, to me, but I'm relatively certain that, if you remember how many years ago they wrote that, based on "results of player battles", and now, enough of our years have passed to push their 999.M41 into M42. Oh well, I suspect, if they ever do move ANY, it'll be like most New Years, with nothing much monumental happening, and both sides making New Years resolutions to get along bettter, wipe each other out, or finally get a good codex, and then break them all, in record time.
Edited by venkelosIs it just me or does the whole warp encounter mechanic feel stupid? I have removed the miloslav from my campaigns altogether, and i've similarly made warp encounters quite rare.
I removed the x2 speed of the Miloslav...it's a no-brainer RAW, and I don't like non-choices. It's still available and uses -1 power for the increased change of warp encounter. I have my own rules for warp encounters and I actually increased the chances of encounters, but they tend to be minor...things like aetheric currents that vary the time of the voyage or aetheric breakers that knock off a few hull integrity.
Edited by Errant KnightYeah, I've come to feel that Random Warp Encounters should be like traps in a dungeon. There to shave off a few resources and add variety, not derail the game and send everyone packing.
As WilliamAsher said ealier in this thread, a decent PC navigator can bring that time down on their own. Heck, in one of our campaigns, with only a starchart collection we were managing to make journeys that should have taken months in under a week.
But I think that SCKoNi hit the nail right on the head. We've played a grand total of 3 RT campaigns so far, and the Miloslav has shown up on one ship. In our Black Crusade campaign. Yeah, that "believed to be cursed" thing was noted and, well, we avoided it as a result. I'm beginning to think that the problem here is more one of ROLE-playing vs. ROLL-playing.
Had this happen before, between the engine, runecaster etc, and a navigator that tended to roll in the low teens a lot. i never let them go back in time, but had a few of the " the bow of your ship broke out of the warp before the stern entered it" moments. There incredible luck and ease of warp passage drew the attention of both the inquisition and a local chaos warlord, both because they assumed the players had some sort of infernal artifact/pact made to do so. After that " little" tangle, the players only used there engines as full power for real crises.