Still no book.

By Noxize, in Black Crusade Collectors Edition

I got a phone call saying that I have to pay AGAIN.

They are saying that a portion of the people who ordered the Collectors Edition of Black Crusade had thier payment refunded, but the books still went through as sold and still processed through the store. They say that a few weeks after paying..the payment just kinda.."fell off"? His words, not mine. That the payment was returned to us, though I cannot find any records of a refund in my bank statements.

I am getting kinda pissed at this point; I have tried calling the guy back twice, to get more answer, left messages. It all seems kinda fishy, so I want an exact date that a refund was issued, to check and see that I did infact recieve it. I mean, another almost 200 bucks? I don't think so.

FFG's customer support has failed to return a single E-mail in over four months, and now this ****? What no one could say something earlier?

I don't know what is going on, but I have waited long enough. Paid for the three day shipping too. What a load of ****...

I wanna know if anyone has had a similar thing? The number is a FFG phone number, and the guy is reached through an extension, so that much is legit. But the rest? I dunno.

I'm not having the same issue as you are having, but I too am beginning to be annoyed with the way FFG doesn't respond to issues.

I can't even call them up because I'm located in the EU and it would cost me hundreds of dollars in phonebills.

We paid for the book nearly half a year in advance, this should be rewarded with decent customer service damnit.
Or at the very least the product we paid for.

I agree. I do not think the customer service has been up to par, I mean we didn't get a shipping date for close to 6 months. Emails are regularly ignored, or if they ARE answered they are vague to the point of uselessness.

I tried calling the guy back again today; my bank records from September up till December 1st show NO refund. So unless the refund got kicked back much later...they still have my money. His words "a few weeks later" is looking more like 'several months later' instead.

They need to step up the service. After I get my book I am done ordering online from this company; I will buy from stores instead, that way I can just stop in and ask questions, rather than play phone/email tag.

Have you had any word on your book yet?

I have heard back from Support and they are conducting another investigation. If I'm correct I'm supposed to hear back from them 13th April about where my book is.

Let's hope there's some good news then. I hope you have had some good news as well.

So…. nobody's probably reading this forum anymore but:

I still have not heard ANYTHING from FFG regarding my Collector's edition.
I have sent a mail every day for the last month, all while getting no replies from FFG for a whole **** month.

I am beginning to be infuriated by their lack of communication.

I'm seriously considering never buying from them again.