Can we have a date of release please ?
I've preorderd it in France, and the website of the seller says " précommande pour mars"... Can I prey for the beginning of april ?
Can we have a date of release please ?
I've preorderd it in France, and the website of the seller says " précommande pour mars"... Can I prey for the beginning of april ?
fatmax66 said:
Can we have a date of release please ?
I've preorderd it in France, and the website of the seller says " précommande pour mars"... Can I prey for the beginning of april ?
I wouldn't bet anything on that. Looks like we're gonna have to wait for another few months before having news on that game. Nothing on the FFG side, no news, rien du tout. So my guess is that they're still negociating with whoever they do.
I'm waiting for that game too and can't wait to have news about the status.
Sorry I couldn't give you the answer you want, nobody can at this time unfortunately
Argh........I hope you're wrong ( but some proufs are there....You're right...may be ...)
It's the only game witch I'm waiting for now...
Can moderators tell us more informations about the release of the game ? In "Upcoming" "Merchant of venus" appears in production.....
NB: Sorry for my english, it's the morning in France, I don't take my coffe and I've do not take english lessons since 15 years.....
Communication zero for this game..........
and.......................Where is my game ? I've preorderd it since two month.........
The game will be out after Essen Game Convention. There was a report on The Dice Tower tonight that both CEOs of Stonghold Games and FFG were on. so October bro.