I am Game mastering a deathwatch game using an idea that sparked in my mind.
++Transmission++KAPPA LEVEL++
+Watch Commander Demios+
+++Extraction at Sigma 5+++
Primary Objective: Capture a Norn Queen Alive. Ultramarines have confirmed that she may be planetside as the Tyranids have taken a foothold on the Southern Region.
Secondary Objective: Imperial Forces are in Disarray, Ultramarine Captain has made attempts to rally and reorganize Selack Defense Forces. Locate the whereabouts of the Planetary Governor’s Assassin if all possible.
Tertiary Objectives:
>Support Imperial Contingents planet side if all possible
> find inquisitor Falis
>Prevent Xenos from escaping the System.
You have 72 Solar hours prior to Exterminatus of Hiveworld Selack. You will have a 24 Solar Hour window for extraction after 48 solar hours. Make the most of it, we will not wait for you. No one must know your primary mission. Planetary Data As Follows.....
That is pretty much the primary brief I am going to give my players for this Campaign. I have complied a whole campaign already with scenarios that I thought would build an interesting and pic story. Do you think this concept is appealing?