So has anyone ordered any of the new SSU?

By SGTManuel, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

So just seeing if anyone has preordered any of the new SSU units, and if so which ones. I myself put in an order for a force, and can't wait to do some three way battles and start a campaign with my kids and friends.

SGTManuel said:

So just seeing if anyone has preordered any of the new SSU units, and if so which ones. I myself put in an order for a force, and can't wait to do some three way battles and start a campaign with my kids and friends.

Is that a trick question????????? Im sure we have all gone overboard on the new stuff just like the old stuff. I have order 2 of each unit so far plus the new game kit. Im just wondering when it will officially be released in the second quarter?

LOL, nope not a trick question, was just wondering what people were ordering, I myself ordered one of each except for the walkers, walker transport and attack copters ordered 2 of each of those. Yeah would love to know when about to expect them, I know they come out after warfare and we don't even know when that comes out, other then it's close.

Not only have I ordered a myriad of SSU troops from Miniature Market just waiting for thier release, but I went to the original source of Dust Models and got a Fury of Ivan and three Ottos that I assmebled as the variant KV-47s.

Yeah, I did my order through miniature market as well. I am really interested in the walkers with the transport heli. You order the pre-painted Ivan or the one you build yourself?

SGTManuel said:

Yeah, I did my order through miniature market as well. I am really interested in the walkers with the transport heli. You order the pre-painted Ivan or the one you build yourself?

While it was still expensive, I think of myself as cheap, I got the unassembled and unpainted version. Its $35 cheaper.

Peacekeeper_b said:

SGTManuel said:

Yeah, I did my order through miniature market as well. I am really interested in the walkers with the transport heli. You order the pre-painted Ivan or the one you build yourself?

While it was still expensive, I think of myself as cheap, I got the unassembled and unpainted version. Its $35 cheaper.

Thats the way to go. Paint your own stuff!!!!

SGTManuel said:

LOL, nope not a trick question, was just wondering what people were ordering, I myself ordered one of each except for the walkers, walker transport and attack copters ordered 2 of each of those. Yeah would love to know when about to expect them, I know they come out after warfare and we don't even know when that comes out, other then it's close.

Yeah I tried checking with MM but they had no info and the second run of SSU stuff is not yet for pre-order so im guessing maybe 3rd QTR???

I'm wainting until everything is available in Germany, which might take a bit. But then I'll propably order a playable force as I really like the style.

The second run stuff is up on there web site, you just got to check through table top miniatures, you'll see the Wotan on the first page and the SSU Commissar squad, attack copter and walker transport are on page two.

SGTManuel said:

The second run stuff is up on there web site, you just got to check through table top miniatures, you'll see the Wotan on the first page and the SSU Commissar squad, attack copter and walker transport are on page two.

DAHHH. Thanks man I was going through Board Games and not getting the same results. So time to order some more!!!!!! yee haaaaaaaaaa

Ok just ordered 2 of everything I didn't get on the first pass. Yeah when you go through Board Games you get different choices then when you choose Table Top Miniatures. That's very odd but i'm glad for the tip. Thanks pal!!!!!!

Since this is an 'order' thread I figured we needed to have the new box art here that was spotted on Miniature Market. The Attack chopper sure has alot of variants. cool.gif




The Commissars look like they'll be a really great unique SSU squad / "sub" heroes.

No probelms, I noticed that myself, do figured that's what had happened. The attack copter got options, I hope the Ally and Axis air aren't far behind.

I don't understand why the attack chopper comes with a pallet with two ammo crates. Doesn't that fit with the carrier chopper?

i would think so too. i guess we shall see when the cards are realesed.

Loophole Master said:

I don't understand why the attack chopper comes with a pallet with two ammo crates. Doesn't that fit with the carrier chopper?

If I had to guess its to actually store the different weapons you can use with the Attack Chopper since there are 4 different variances of it depending on the payload you carry. Not really ment to be used during the game just to keep your unused weapons in a tidy cool looking ammo crate :)

I doubt they serve a functional purpose, they are probably the same as the cuurent ammo crates

On a related note, is there any chance the carrier chopper model will actually carry the walker around? Or will it always just fly around empty, with the walker sitting on top of its card?

i would say that at worst you would be able to magnetize the walker to the chopper.

It would have to be a pretty potent magnet. And you'd also have to magnetize the walker to its base, so you could remove it while it's flying.

I dont know how easy they are to get but some neodynium magnets would be more then enought to hold a walker. I personly have a set that is strong enough to stick together with my arm in between them.

I have seen people do that in 40k with storm ravens, the just use magnets for the hook ups, would be neat to see. Also the flyer rules have been previewed, it's interesting that you can't engage flyers if they are out further then 6 spaces, I like what I read a lot of makes sense.

Loophole Master said:

On a related note, is there any chance the carrier chopper model will actually carry the walker around? Or will it always just fly around empty, with the walker sitting on top of its card?

I have no pictures to support what has been said but i was able to magnetize the old AT43 containers to some jets vehicles I made and i used only 2- 1/4" dia rare earth magnets to do it. They are very strong.

Loophole Master said:

I don't understand why the attack chopper comes with a pallet with two ammo crates. Doesn't that fit with the carrier chopper?

Maybe you can reload the chopper in game, or switch the ammo.