
By Magnus Grendel, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Apologies if I'm being an imbecile, but I'm missing something (or possibly the Black Crusade rules are missing something).

Given the presence of the Nutrient Recycling option for legion armour, and the Warp Eater trait, it sort of begs the question of what happens if you don't have either - i.e. what, assuming survival skill checks are failed, are the rules for starvation?

The player in question is a chaos marine on a wilderness planet, who (for various reasons) isn't in a position to actively go hunting.

Refering specifically to Legion Power Armor: Make a Toughness test at -10 for every two weeks without nourishment. If the test fails the character gains 1 fatigue that cannot be removed, unless he attains nourishment. This is in the armory section just under the power armor customization table on page 176. So I would probably do the exact same thing, but at shorter intervals. Maybe make the test more difficult at higher levels of fatigue.

That said, space marines can eat a whole lot of stuff normal humans wouldn't be able to, including raw plant matter. A forest should be no challenge for a space marine.

DJSunhammer said:

If the test fails the character gains 1 fatigue that cannot be removed, unless he attains nourishment.

Would the same be applicable to sleep? The fatigue is permanent until you get some rest? There are talents that allow you to meditate for 10 mins and remove levels of fatigue. Would these work on things like sleep and starvation?

I would think so, but they should be harder as the character gains more fatigue. -10 for one level, -20 for two and so on.

DJSunhammer said:

I would think so, but they should be harder as the character gains more fatigue. -10 for one level, -20 for two and so on.

Sorry, I asked 3 questions in quick succession, so I'm not sure what you're agreeing commenting on:

Fatigue is permanent until you get sleep but the talents would allow you to go without sleeping or eating as long you take a penalty on the Will test?

Yes it works the same for sleep. The fatigue would not only be permanent until you get rest, it would start stacking and making everything harder. Meditation would work as normal, but it is ultimately up to the GM as to what type of fatigue and how much you can remove. There will be a limit, since an ordinary human [and even a Space Marine, eventually] can only go without sleep or food for a limited amount of time, meditation or not.

One thing I should ad is that space marines can digest essentially anything organic. If your chaos marine is in a forest he can eat trees and survive due to his superior digestive system unless of course the marine in question has an unstable gene seed that caused him to lose that ability or is mutated.