Welcome & Introduction:
Welcome to my eleventh Solo Player LOTR LCG Tournament . The idea behind this tournament is that for two weeks (Sunday – Saturday x2 ), everyone is invited to participate in playing a particular quest with particular deck building requirements in a Solo Player Tournament . You are then invited to record and post your final score, the heroes you used, and any additional narrative you’d like to add.
Note: only games played and recorded throughout this two-week span are valid. As the time unfolds, I will keep this first post updated with the Top Ten results. (Each participant can occupy a maximum of one Top Ten spot at a time, so you’re welcome to try and best your own result throughout the tournament.) See also, The juicebox LOTR LCG Tournaments ~ Top Ten Hall of Fame & Ideas Thread .
Will you place in the Top Ten for this tournament? I hope you’ll participate and find out!
And now… on to the Solo Player Tournament!
Solo Player Tournament #11:
Scenario: Conflict at the Carrock
Deck Parameters: Open Build; Heroes must be Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli
Tournament Parameters: Theme Tournament – The Three Hunters*
Number of Players: Solo Player
*Let’s hunt some… TROLL!
Top Ten:
1. muemakan ~ 127
2. SiCK_Boy ~ 136
3. Chac ~ 144
4. Marael ~ 155
5. Budgernaut ~ 157
6. Narsil0420 ~ 162
7. Robert McMutton ~ 169
8. DukeOfLizards ~ 175
9. juicebox ~ 181
Last Updated:
April 8, 2012 (12:36am) [FFG Time]
[This tournament will run from March 25 – April 7, 2012 and will officially close at the end of the second week (midnight) as time-stamped by the FFG forum clock.]