The juicebox LOTR LCG Solo Player Tournament (#11) [March 25 - April 7, 2012] [COMPLETED]

By juicebox, in Player community

Welcome & Introduction:

Welcome to my eleventh Solo Player LOTR LCG Tournament . The idea behind this tournament is that for two weeks (Sunday – Saturday x2 ), everyone is invited to participate in playing a particular quest with particular deck building requirements in a Solo Player Tournament . You are then invited to record and post your final score, the heroes you used, and any additional narrative you’d like to add.

Note: only games played and recorded throughout this two-week span are valid. As the time unfolds, I will keep this first post updated with the Top Ten results. (Each participant can occupy a maximum of one Top Ten spot at a time, so you’re welcome to try and best your own result throughout the tournament.) See also, The juicebox LOTR LCG Tournaments ~ Top Ten Hall of Fame & Ideas Thread .

Will you place in the Top Ten for this tournament? I hope you’ll participate and find out!

And now… on to the Solo Player Tournament!

Solo Player Tournament #11:

Scenario: Conflict at the Carrock
Deck Parameters: Open Build; Heroes must be Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli
Tournament Parameters: Theme Tournament – The Three Hunters*
Number of Players: Solo Player

*Let’s hunt some… TROLL!

Top Ten:

1. muemakan ~ 127
2. SiCK_Boy ~ 136
3. Chac ~ 144
4. Marael ~ 155
5. Budgernaut ~ 157
6. Narsil0420 ~ 162
7. Robert McMutton ~ 169
8. DukeOfLizards ~ 175
9. juicebox ~ 181

Last Updated:

April 8, 2012 (12:36am) [FFG Time]

[This tournament will run from March 25 – April 7, 2012 and will officially close at the end of the second week (midnight) as time-stamped by the FFG forum clock.]

First to post, eh? I assumed this was the same format as the others - play 3 games with a deck and post the scores, right? My first two builds got stomped all over the place, but this latest one did alright.

1st game

Legolas died 9

Hill Troll -4

Final Threat 33

Wounds 3

20 Rounds 200

Total = 241

2nd game

Final Threat 45

Wounds 6

Gladden Fields + Muck Adder -6

Rounds 180

Total = 225

In my third attempt, I traveled to Banks of the Anduin on the second turn and then became buried under The Brown Lands and other locations. Final result was a loss.

Just for fun, I ran the deck three more times. I failed on the first two, but got a low score of 175 on my final go. This is such a fun quest. Thanks for running the tourney.

DukeOfLizards said:

First to post, eh? I assumed this was the same format as the others - play 3 games with a deck and post the scores, right? ...

but got a low score of 175 on my final go. This is such a fun quest. Thanks for running the tourney.

Hi Duke of Lizards! You're welcome! Glad you're playing!!

Actually, this format isn't the same as the Living Tournaments in that you can try as many times as you like for your single lowest score possible.

So, right now, you're 175 stands! gran_risa.gif

Are these supposed to be a best of three like the other tournies or just one game?

dcdennis said:

Are these supposed to be a best of three like the other tournies or just one game?

Just one game. You can try as many times as you like for your lowest score.

Up to now I only have the Core Set plus 4 first expansions, and the game is very difficult. I already played 4 times, without any sucess !! I will continue trying to figure here, but looks very chalenging with the cards I have.

How I delete this post ? It is wrong...

Wel,, a not very good one, and after 5 tentatives, I get a result:

Final Threat Level: 42
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 5 (2 on Gimi, 3 on Aragorn)
Victory Points Earned: 3 (Marsh Adder)
Number of Rounds Completed: 15 (Wow !)

Total Points: 194

Remembering that I only have 4 expansions, here is my decklist:

3 Guard of the Citadel
2 Faramir
1 Brok Ironfist
3 Veteran Axehand
3 Gondorian Spearman
3 Winged Guardian
3 Gandalf
2 Song of Kings
3 Dunedain Quest
2 Steward of Gondor
1 Celebrian's Stone
3 Dunedain Mark
2 Sneak Attack
2 Valiant Sacrifice
2 Blade of Gondolin
2 Feint
1 Swift Strike
3 Keen-eyed Took
2 Silverlode Archer
3 Blade Mastery
2 Landroval
2 Rain of Arrows

I think I will add 1 more Song of Kings and Landroval, as they are key to my victory. But let´s check on the other posts

Not bad- I only have 3 expansions, I'll be giving this a shot this weekend

Final result: 136

Threat: 33

Dead Heroes: 0

Wounds: 7

Victory Points: 14 (2 x Hill Troll, 1 x Gladden Fields, 1 x Marsh Adder)

Number of Rounds: 11 * 10 = 110


Juicebox Solo # 11 - March 25th

Hero (3)
Aragorn (Core) x1
Gimli (Core) x1
Legolas (Core) x1

Ally (23)
Beorn (Core) x1
Descendant of Thorondor (THoEM) x3
Dunedain Watcher (TDM) x2
Faramir (Core) x1
Gandalf (Core) x3
Gondorian Spearman (Core) x2
Landroval (AJtR) x2
Radagast (AJtR) x2
Vassal of the Windlord (TDM) x3
Veteran Axehand (Core) x2
Winged Guardian (THfG) x2

Attachment (16)
Born Aloft (CatC) x2
Celebrian's Stone (Core) x2
Citadel Plate (Core) x1
Dunedain Warning (CatC) x1
Dwarrowdelf Axe (KD) x3
Dwarven Axe (Core) x1
Steward of Gondor (Core) x3
Support of the Eagles (RtM) x2
Song of Battle (TDM) x1

Event (11)
Ever Vigilant (Core) x1
Feint (Core) x3
Grim Resolve (Core) x1
Quick Strike (Core) x1
Sneak Attack (Core) x3
The Eagles Are Coming! (THfG) x2

Card pool is 3 x Core Set, all Shadows of Mirkwood AP, KD, The Redhorn Gate.

I found this experience much easier than I initially expected. It's been a while since I played this scenario, but it just doesn't stand the test of time in terms of difficulty (it still remains a very fun one).

My game was pretty basic. I got a second turn Steward of Gondor on Aragorn than fuelled my progression. Early Celebrian's Stone and Radagast helped with questing as well as bringing more eagle allies out. Gimli found his axe (Dwarven, then later Dwarrowdelf) and was able to hit for 9 by the end (+ a free point of damage). Gandalf showed up 4 times (Sneak Attack, Born Aloft, 2 x hard-casted), helping me maintain a threat under 34 for the round when all the trolls went into staging. I killed Louis (raise threat by 3 after a Troll attacks) right away. On the next turn, I didn't quest at all, letting my threat go back near the 40s, but I killed two more trolls (Stuart and Morris). The second Hill Troll showed up the next turn, delaying my victory a bit (and forcing me to take 3 damages on Aragorn). For once, I only cleared The Carrock after killing most of the trolls...

The pace of this quest is so much smoother than the latest quests. I guess I'm now used to seeing multiple enemies pop up every turn (and I haven't tried Road to Rivendell yet with Ambush!). The slow pace of the quest, along with the huge boost provided by Grimbeorn (he did join my team after we found him via a Bee Pasture), made this a fun experience.

As for my deck, I toyed with the idea of adding Spirit (with Celebrian's Stone), but it was forcing me to do too many thing. I decided there weren't too many bad event in the deck. The worst one can't be cancelled anyway. And playing eagles (I assume most build will include some) gives you an out against A Frightened Beast (that event would have brought me over 34 on the turn I brought the bad guys in staging, but a Winged Guardian gave up his life to keep me at 33). I did decide to try Dunedain Watcher; at 3 costs, it's a reasonable ally and those Despair shadow cards can really hurt. I did use his ability at the end to save a Descendant of Thorondor from being killed by Wolf Rider, but the game was over anyway by then; the impact of that loss would have been minimal. Still, it's an overall nice ally that can quest and fight, as needed. Also, the fact that its ability can be used even when he's exhausted is nice.

I'd like to see other's decklists; with a fixed set of heroes, I guess it'd be interesting to see if we all went the same way or not (and what "tech" each player brought).

Well, last night after 5 plays, I get one victory. I am not sure if I am playing right, but this is a very challlenging scenario with my cards (i am winning 1 game each 5 played with 3 hunters !). Anyaway here are the results:

Final Threat Level: 49 (Wow !)
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 4 (on Gimi)
Victory Points Earned: 3 (Gladden Fields)
Number of Rounds Completed: 12

Total Points: 170

My decklist

3 Guard of the Citadel
2 Faramir
1 Brok Ironfist
3 Veteran Axehand
3 Gondorian Spearman
3 Winged Guardian
3 Gandalf
3 Song of Kings
2 Dunedain Quest
2 Steward of Gondor
1 Celebrian's Stone
3 Dunedain Mark
2 Sneak Attack
2 Valiant Sacrifice
2 Feint
1 Swift Strike
3 Keen-eyed Took
2 Silverlode Archer
2 Blade Mastery
2 Landroval
2 Rain of Arrows
3 Snowbourn Scout

I raise the number of cheap allies to serve as "Troll Food" and this take me closer to beat the scenario; but unless Grimbeorn shows up, I do not suceed. AS I only has 1 Core and 1 of each expansion I do not have the way to put multiple copies of good cards, unless I use proxys, but I think this is not fair :D

I see this like I am attending an real event, but at my home; much like work at a home office, lol

Final Threat Level: 31
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 4 (1 on Gimli, 3 on Aragorn)
Victory Points Earned: 0
Number of Rounds Completed: 12

Total Points: 155

My decklist

3 Guard of the Citadel
2 Faramir
1 Brok Ironfist
3 Veteran Axehand
3 Gondorian Spearman
3 Winged Guardian
3 Gandalf
3 Song of Kings
2 Dunedain Quest
2 Steward of Gondor
1 Celebrian's Stone
3 Dunedain Mark
2 Sneak Attack
2 Valiant Sacrifice
2 Feint
1 Swift Strike
3 Keen-eyed Took
2 Silverlode Archer
2 Blade Mastery
2 Landroval
2 Rain of Arrows
3 Snowbourn Scout

This time Gandalf showed up 4 times, every time lowering threath; I used Landroval power to reduce the 4 damage on Gimli to 1 damage on the last round, a power that I never has used before, and looks very good. I am not used with Tactics decks, and to be honest this was my best run with Carrock (I get the copy 2 weeks ago and never played it "for real" before). Grimbeorn showed himself in round 2, and I start with a Song of Kings after the mulligan. Steward of Gondor showed up in round 7 and helped me to put everything on the table.

It is far from the 136 of the first place, but looks more solid than the last one.

Finally had time to sit down and play the new challenge.

Took me quite some time to decide which deck to take…..

Heroes: same as everybody
Rounds: 10
Final Threat: 30
Wounds: 4 on Gimli
Victory points: 7 for Hill Troll and Gladden Fields

So a score of 127

The Trolls engaged in round 10. They were stopped by a Wall of Spears and three of them went to see Gimli and his axe. The fourth was left for round 11 and died by Gmli with the help of Aragorn and Legolas.
Gandalf was busy helping the three Hunters by appearing 5 times. Twice for threat and three times for cards.

That was quite a battle.

Care to post your decklist?

Using Thicket of Spears is a great idea for this specific scenario!

Were you also using Spirit (Unexpected Courage) or Lore (Erebor Record Keeper) to ready Gimli, or was it simply a Lure of Moria or Grim Resolve that let you ready him?

Decklist maybe later. I hate to translate so many cards.

Had one UC on Gimli. And Common Cause was there to help too.

Had Lore of Moria but didn´t use it. Khaaazad (3times) on Gimli, so he could kill the trolls on his own.

I think the hardest part in this scenario for me was getting cards. Without Bilbo I am lacking card draw.

My normal fight deck at the moment consists of the two twins and Bilbo....

Finally Victorious!

This was my first time playing seriously with an eagle deck. Loads of fun combos, but in this win, Gimli was the shining star.

With two Citadel Plates + Boon and some eagle aid, he became a Troll-squashing TANK!

Final Score: 181

Final Threat Level: 20
Threat Cost of Each Dead Hero: 0
Damage Tokens on Remaining Heroes: 11 (on Gimi)
Victory Points Earned: 0
Number of Rounds Completed: 15

How you guys are reducing threath ? I am not used with the cards of the last expansions, and becuase that the question; juicebox has a very good low threat, as mumekan - It is hard to believe that Gandalf is doing all the job. Mumekan at least do not use only Gandalf - 2 times reduce the treath by 10, so it will be 32 at minimun in 10 rounds.

Thanks for the info !!!

Marael said:

How you guys are reducing threath ? I am not used with the cards of the last expansions, and becuase that the question; juicebox has a very good low threat, as mumekan - It is hard to believe that Gandalf is doing all the job. Mumekan at least do not use only Gandalf - 2 times reduce the treath by 10, so it will be 32 at minimun in 10 rounds.

Thanks for the info !!!

Yeah sorry, did mix up the numbers. Gandalf reduced threat 3 times and twice he was used for card draw.

muemakan said:

Yeah sorry, did mix up the numbers. Gandalf reduced threat 3 times and twice he was used for card draw.

Hum, ok. I am not acting like an auditor for the numbers, but sometimes I really do not know the cards. As my main deck is a spirit/leadership, I know little about the combos and other spheres decks; I trid them sometimes, but I really like the spi/lead deck :D

SiCK_Boy said:

Care to post your decklist?

Using Thicket of Spears is a great idea for this specific scenario!

Were you also using Spirit (Unexpected Courage) or Lore (Erebor Record Keeper) to ready Gimli, or was it simply a Lure of Moria or Grim Resolve that let you ready him?

So here it is:

2x UC
3x Old Mathom

3x Song of Battle
1x Song of Travel
3x Gandalf

3x Wall of Spears
2x Quick Strike
3x Feint
2x Winged Guardian
1x Landroval
3x V. of the Windlord
3x Born Aloft
2x Horn of Gondor
3x Citadel Plate
3x Khazad!Khazad!

2x Celebrians Stone
2x Lure of Moria
3x Sneak Attack
3x Common Cause
3x SoG

Marael said:

How you guys are reducing threath ? I am not used with the cards of the last expansions, and becuase that the question; juicebox has a very good low threat, as mumekan - It is hard to believe that Gandalf is doing all the job. Mumekan at least do not use only Gandalf - 2 times reduce the treath by 10, so it will be 32 at minimun in 10 rounds.

Thanks for the info !!!

The deck that I used was not very efficient. I played 5 or 6 games with it and only got one win. (I'll still probably post that result to the Living Tournament as well... I mean, why not? It's something to build on.) But anyway, I was determined to go with a primarily Eagle deck. Again, super fun, but really needed the right combo of cards to come along at the right time. As for threat reduction:

1) I splashed Spirit, (enabled by a timely CelebrIian's Stone) and played a couple The Galadhrin's Greetings.

2) I played Gandalf a whole bunch - using both Sneak Attack and Born Aloft to play him as many times as possible.

When I first read about this tournament I was super excited. 1) I was just in the mood to play this quest again after reading through the troll chapter of The Hobbit, and 2) the last time I tried a Three Hunters deck was when all I had was just one core set (and it didn't work too well). But I spent about an hour and a half tonight playing upwards of 10 games and didn't win a single one. I had Spirit splashed for a little bit, but when I got Celebrian's stone I didn't get Spirit cards. When I got Spirit cards, I didn't have Celebrian's stone. I tried taking Spirit out, but no luck. In some games I'd be swimming in resources with no Eagles to play. In other games I get a ton of Eagle cards in my hand but not have Steward of Gondor to allow me to pay for them. I only advanced to stage 2 in one of my several games this evening. Now if that doesn't make you feel like a crippled player, I don't know what will!


Here is my score for this eleventh solo tournament.

Round markers : 11 (110)
Final threat : 34
Dead heroes threat : 0
Wounds : 0
Victory points : 0

Total : 144

The decklist

Tactic cards (35)

3 Vassal of the Windlord
3 Winged Guardian
3 Eagles of the Misty Mountains
3 Gondorian Spearman
3 Veteran Axehand
3 Horseback Archer
3 Veteran of Nanduhirion
3 Horn of Gondor
2 Born Aloft
3 Feint
3 Swift Strike
3 Khazâd! Khazâd!

Neutral cards (6)

3 Gandalf
3 Song of Kings

Leadership cards (9)

3 Steward of Gondor
3 Sneak Attack
3 Ever Onward

Oh man, that was crazy!

Rounds: 11

Threat: 44

Damage: 8 (both Gimli and Aragorn were 1 away from dying)

Victory Points: 0

Final Score: 162

Ok, so last round, I've got one troll left and Carrock with 3 progress on it. I have EXACTLY enough resources to bring out Gondorian Spearman and keep Aragorn ready when he quests so I can have all three hunters attack the last troll. I quest EXACTLY enough to pass Carrock but I draw SACKED! and put it on Aragorn so I don't know if I'll have enough damage to kill the troll! I defend with G.S. giving him 1 damage. I have 4 damage on Gimli and Rivendell Blade on Legolas which gives me EXACTLY enough to kill the troll!!! and Legolas puts the last progess token on the quest!!! Man that was a close one, so many things lined up so perfectly I couldn't believe it!!!!

I did it! It wasn't quite as close as Narsil's but it was still pretty amazing.

Final Threat: (41)
Dead Heroes: Legolas (9)
Damage on Heroes: (2)
Rounds: 14 (140)
Victory Points: (6)
Final Score: 186

Definitely not an award-winning score, but at least it's a win. gran_risa.gif I started the game off with A Song of Travel and three turns later played Galadhrim's Greetings. Meanwhile, Gimli was getting pumped with Dunedain Marks and a Dwarven Axe, not to mention his two damage from the first enemy we encountered. Aragorn got Steward of Gondor sometime in the first 5 rounds as well, so by time my fellowship traveled to the Bee Pastures, they were able to purchase Grimbeorn's help. Things went slowly after that with a lot of breaking even during the quest phase.

I was at about 45 threat before I drew my first Gandalf, but Aragorn was loaded with resources, so I played Gandalf with Born Aloft, discarded Born Aloft, and played Gandalf again with a second copy of Born Aloft. He quested to help me pass Stage 1. After Stage 2 was set up, I discarded Born Aloft to put Gandalf back in my hand again, this time spending a resource to play Valiant Sacrifice and draw 2 more cards (one of which was another Gandalf). I played Sneak Attack to allow Gandalf to come out a third time. I reduced my threat by 15 in one round! I was able to engage the trolls at will.

I chose to engage three of the trolls and feinted one of them. Now this was the sad part. It didn't matter which two trolls attacked, so I just flipped two shadow cards. The first was Slowly Roasted and that killed my sacked Legolas. The other two shadow cards were locations!

Now, Gimli had only 2 marks at this point (got the third later) so was at 8 attack. Grimbeorn had 4, so I was only at 12. But I played For Gondor! to bump them each up by 1 point, allowing me to kill Morris (the attack-bonus-troll). Aragorn had readied after committing to the quest, so I used Common Cause to exhaust him and ready Gimli. Now Gandalf and Gimli attacked Stuart (the defense-bonus-troll), maintaining their For Gondor! bonus and killed him as well. The fellowship picked off the other two trolls and then took care of the Carrock and a couple more locations before finally getting a progress token on Stage 2 and winning the game.

But wow! Decreasing threat by 15 and killing two trolls in one turn! That has got to be the best round I have ever had!

EDIT: For a deck list and analysis, please see this thread .