your secret ingredient

By richsabre, in Strategy and deck-building

i am interested to know people's secret ingredients in their decks- ie..are there any obscure, little used/talked about cards that you have been using to great effects, or any combos that you have discovered

ive noticed that leadership especially has quite a few 1 cost event cards such as campfire tales, second breakfast and so on that never really see any play in my deck, though id like to start using some of these lesser known cards, possibly in combo with some others


If I tell you my secret ingredient, it won't be secret anymore, wil it? happy.gif

Seriously, I am such a lousy player that I don't have any secret lengua.gif

rumor of the earth is one of those cards i have in every lore deck i made.

and it even starts to get combo potential with out of the wild for example

just love it

Angus Lee said:

If I tell you my secret ingredient, it won't be secret anymore, wil it? happy.gif

Seriously, I am such a lousy player that I don't have any secret lengua.gif

haha i can so relate to that lengua.gif

One of my multiplayer decks is a mono-Tactics Eagle build, which until just recently had included 2x Thicket of Spears. I replaced Thicket with Hail of Stones (since I think the new event is way, way more versatile), but Thicket proved its worth many times over in combat-heavy scenarios like The Massing at Osgiliath.

Leadership has an endless pantry. They are the infinite sideboard. That said, I've been liking Sneak Attack+ Dunedain Watcher. Especially with Imrahil.

And *insert shameless topic promotion*, In my Elrond twins deck, I really like Support of the Eagles on either brother, assuming I can make Elrohir a tactics hero. Even with just Winged Guardian or Vassal of the Windlord. A plus 4 defense or plus 3 attack on a hero that can attack or defend twice.

Lore has all the secrets for me right now. I kinda want to make Bilbo and Frodo into ninjas what with the hobbit specific attachments.

Shadow of the Past.

I think it's clear why this card belongs as a must have in any deck that quests against "Hunt for Gollum", Rhosgobel or Redhorn Gate (or Emyn Muil to a lesser extent). It helps you to get a much needed card back on the top of the encounter deck that was discarded as a shadow card. SotP can also be useful in the same way in "Dead Marshes" in case that Gollum escapes.

In all other scenarios it can give you a break to build up your forces when you use it to play a harmless card twice.

Another great example for the awesomeness of this card I described in this thread:

I think as a lone player, unless Fallen_Arises comes to town in which case we usually play 2-3 or even 4 players, that a napolitan ice cream deck is the best, because you get to use only the best cards from three spheres. I read few times that two spheres should be enough, but would it be possible to kill the Witch-King with only few possibilities of cards?

Anyway, I think having Bifur in a three spheres deck is a great asset, even though Bilbo or Frodo may look like a better choice when picking a low-treath hero. A great questing character if he fights alongside with Dain Ironfoot and the player may get ressources faster to play Lore high-cost cards.

So thats my special Hero with whom I win half of the quest (when I win...).

Otherwise, my special card no one in my group played before I proved its efficiency as a finishing move is Common Cause . It may sound a lost because your sacrifice a hero, but refreashing a character without Unexpected Courage in time of need can prove to be a life saver. I'm referring to an awesome 4-players game in Flight from Moria , with Erebor Record Keeper, Common Cause and Ever Vigilant on ERK to unexhaust Dain wielding Abandonned Tools.

Ever Vigilant is a card I learned to love....

to contribute to my own question- i really love gleowine in a PoL deck- really do appreciate that extra card per turn

richsabre said:

to contribute to my own question- i really love gleowine in a PoL deck- really do appreciate that extra card per turn

I can't think of ever not using Gleowine in a Lore heavy deck, especially if Beravor is needed somewhere else.

I know you only play solo Rich, but I love parting gifts. I have found some use for it in solo play, especially if you play tri-sphere, but I have found it works wonders in 2 player games as well, especially if the person you are playing with doesn't have a resource engine in play.

Parting Gifts is a strong card in multiplayer and a key card in ziggy decks... the belt has really made such a card not needed in solo as you can just use the belt to be any sphere, or use songs. I think in many cases a song fetch though minstrel is all you need to enable you to burn all your resources every trun (apart form mana up for events)


Not so much a secret ingredient, but I sometimes wonder why Snowbourn Scout is mentioned here so rarely. I mean, Henamarth Riversong seems to get a lot of love, especially from the solo players who rightfully find him rather useful, but the Scout is probably my favourite card out there. It's just amazing how much this guy does for only 1 resource. That one progress marker really can go a long way with the Brown Lands or the Tower Gate, and it is never dead. You can pull some funny shenanigans with putting him into play through other means (Stand and Fight or Borne Aloft... I even used Sneak Attack with him!). Plus, the Rohan trait is very useful. I'd never build a leadership deck without the full 3 copies of this guy.

Trantor said:

Not so much a secret ingredient, but I sometimes wonder why Snowbourn Scout is mentioned here so rarely.

'Cos he is in just about every deck sorpresa.gif ? Perfect meatshield that even does something upon coming into play.

yeah scouts died more times than ive had cups of coffee

I just finished my first game of Road to Rivendell and I have new love for Dunnedain Watcher. I think this is the first time I ever added her to one of my decks (did so because I knew this adventure pack has some nasty shadow effects) and she came through in flying colors. I had 1 hit point left on Arwen and drew a shadow card that said deal 1 damage to every ally and was able to discard the Watcher to save Arwen and ended up winning a few rounds later. For 3 resources you get a 1,1,1 card and a great backstop against a nasty shadow effect. I think she would also be good in JtR.

Just got my Road to Rivendell deck yesterday. Two cards that jumped out immediately at me just screaming to be played together in my dwarf deck is Hailing of Stones and Lure of Moria. Can't wait to play this combo in my dwarf deck.

richsabre said:

yeah scouts died more times than ive had cups of coffee

I'd be interested to challenge myself to somehow build a deck in which the scouts don't die, but do the killing. I feel so sorry for them. Makes me wonder why Rohan keeps agreeing to send them along with my groups. Or why the scouts volunteer in the first place. 'No-one has ever survived these missions? Count me in!'

ha....they must be going for the rider of the month award. ..all trying soo hard