Anyone like to wager a guess?

By Pseudo Rage, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Go on take a stab at it. What do you think they are? There are tokens and cards that have matching symbols on them. some kind of event deck? Maybe a side quests? Part of the story mechanic? I’d like to hear your best guess. Don’t be shy there is no wrong answer.


I will tell You what those are.

Those are Glyphs but it looks like they will not work like the old ones. Those will be some kind of exits/paths to choose.

They got a matching card with that symbol and those are Event cards.

I don't know completly how they will work but it looks like they will mesure the success and failure of completing a stage/board.

Depanding on the Event card the Overlord can spawn more monsters or see the players got unseen to a new stage and so on.

For example if the heroes got unseen they don't have to draw a Event card for the next path they choose or they must make a test becouse the road was diffucult so there is a chance they got exhausted (suffer 1 fatigue), or they were seen an attacked (every player get 1 wound and the Overlord get to draw a card) or even they were ambushed and so on.

And that will make the game even more exciting.


Never played the first edition nor have I read the rules so my guesses are pure...well, guesses lengua.gif

- Special objectives tied to a deck of event cards

- Portals with it's own deck of events?!!?

- Spawn points?!?!?

Well that's what came out of my head. Just woke up and still have one eye closed lol

Happy saturday morning!

Not so much "glyphs" as they are the new mechanic previously held by doors, if you ask me. Basically, the cards are used to reveal a new Area and the tokens denote where on the map new Areas exist to be revealed.

It looks like the tokens you've circled on the picture are placed at the open ends of the map. Marking the end of the current Area, as it were. The deck of cards with the matching symbol is probably the 2e equivalent of the dungeon deck from the 1e AC games. A new card is drawn when the heroes are about to explore one of those marked end points, and the card tells you what map tiles to lay out extending from that open joint, possibly what monsters to place (although those may be a separate deck as well.) etc.

The 2e equivalent of glyphs would be something that teleports the heroes back to town so they can shop and what not. I don't see anything that looks like a glyph in the photo (although it is admittedly pretty grainy.) It's also possible that glyphs have been made into a rune stone that the heroes can carry with them and use whenever they want.

I think that You both are wrong and I'm right. Becouse those card - Event Cards - don't have any tiles on the other side.

Look aty those cards below:

Event Cards

So looking at those I'm perfectly sure that I was right. The question is just how those symbols - You could see those on the Runebound dice - are used in traveling.

And about glyphs - I think that in this edition will not have those but there will be doors in the same type as those known in 1ed.

In my opinion, just speculation, heros will not have the oportunity to visit town in the dungeons. Just between the stages they can go to town and make some shoping.

The next thing I think will not included are potions in such a big number. By that I mean that a hero wil not the chance to find so many potions in the dungeon and the heor will not have a chance to buy to many of them in the shop. Becouse that would make playing a Healer useless and would brake the balance of the game. Why to have a Healer in Your group when You just need potions? Right?

Besides rememeber that this edition will not have any Treat & Conquest Tokens so the glyphs are useless in this edition. They can be just the exits of a map and nothing more. I think that in Descent 2e it will not be so easy for a Overlord to kill the Heros - that the second argument for a smaller number of potions and no glyphs. That just pure speculation but still I think that's how it will be.

Also if You saw the Overlord cards You can see that card are very different from those known in 1ed. The Overlord is just playing cards by the conditions on them and not by paying any Treat. The conditions are easy like - Play on the start of Your turn or when a Hero steps on a empty space, and so on. I can assume that the game will be a little more grimm then the 1e.


PS. And when You look above those Event cards in the first image You can see Effects Cards and Effect Tokens like Poison and so on.

Though none of the hero cards appear to have a conquest value, I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the use of conquest in 2nd edition. With players now able to customize the heroes from the start maybe all heroes will cost a flat amount. And activating glyphs was only one way to gain conquest. The others being open chests and the completing of quests. And with the campaign available from the start maybe it would be a tug-o-war battle of conquest. But then again it’s anyone guess. With so little information to go off of it’s all just speculation at this point. but its still fun to speculate. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Could those green circle tokens be treasure chests and the deck of cards with matching symbol be the treasure deck??

In this case however the treasure deck includes the different potions as well as the items.

In first ed there were treasure chest markers, and different potion markers which are all replaced with the green token in 2nd ed, ie until you land on it you wont know what the treasure is??????

Maybe you're right but it will be very wierd. A chest is a chest so I still think that those are glyphs that activate a plot card. The event cards looks like only needed when you play a campain. Or those are glyphs that led players to go to town and buy equipment. Maybe the next preview will give us a hint.

Beren Eoath said:

Maybe you're right but it will be very wierd. A chest is a chest so I still think that those are glyphs that activate a plot card. The event cards looks like only needed when you play a campain. Or those are glyphs that led players to go to town and buy equipment. Maybe the next preview will give us a hint.

Maybe there's a chest on the tile under the token ?

The chest/barrel/box are maybe drawn on the tileset.

Or it's maybe some quests objectives?

Quest objectives is my guess.


so 3 of thoses tokens in the first introduction quest.
Maybe it's some objects you'll have to collect in order to win the quest?The way they are placed....

They really look like objectives for me !

I you look at the board up above with the markers on them you can see that they are spread out across the map. The two place they are not are the entrance and the exit (The one that has the mouth of a cave). My guess is that you have to encounter these tokens to get into the cave or you could blow right by them. If you blow by them you might be changing the outcome of what might happen in the cave/dungeon. Maybe they mark points of interest which might be an ambush, treasure chest, or trick to complete the level. Maybe the OL just lifts them up and reads the number on the back to figure out the outcome on his OL cheat sheet.

I think they're just "search" markers.