Night's watch - how do I get cards out of discard?

By Donnyb, in 4. AGoT Deck Construction

I want to build a night's watch deck and have been wondering a way to get cards out of discard. The lost ranger I think makes me discard a card every dominance phase, and I only run singles for locations so losing them hurts. I want to be able to use my discard pile while hurting my opponent who can't use their own. So I want to make them discard too if possible.


Run it out of house Targ while using Street Waifs and other discard pile recursion?

You could always discard your opponents deck and not care about Lost Ranger. Or have him jumping with the Wall. Also Builders let you bring cards back from the discard pile to the bottom of your deck and use the NW Septon to shuffle your deck

Short of "Iron Lore" (event that allows you to play a location from discard pile), there aren't that many solutions (there are some slightly weird ones, such as Builder of the Watch, The Prince's Plans, Regroup plot).

And you should ask yourself whether all those solutions are really worth it (except Prince's Plans which is very good, but works only in the right deck). Because it is much more important to concentrate on doing bad things to your opponent in this game rather than trying to prevent bad things being done to you (short of cards that screw your opponents plans large time such as Iron Cliffs against Military Deck)