Interest check

By Layander, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I wanted to see if there was any interest in an online anima game played on the weekend from 12 to 7 am eastern time?

From 12 to 7am? As in... a game that goes through pretty much the entire night EST? You sure you don't mean 7 to 12am EST?

I'd be interested as long as it wasn't on a Friday, as that is when I run my Anima game.

Sorry of it was misleading, I do not mean the whole time but I do mean between the hours of midnight and 7 am. I am a 3rd shift worker. I figure people in other time zones may be more available than people in my own.

well I can't do that, then, sorry.

That's 9-4 for me. If you can find some others who are available I could probably make that depending on the day.

Just say the day and I'll see if I can join in.

I was thinking saterdays or sundays

I could likely do either I'd those days!

I'm interested as long as its Saturdays, I would be unable to do it if its sundays. I believe the time would be 11-6 for me since im central, but since im crappy with timezones i could be wrong. But if im right that works out perfectly for me seeing as I work till 10:30pm.

Sundays would be better for me..... get off work at 2AM on Sat-night/Sun-morning.....

not sure if interested, what medium will we be using. forums? chat? rptools?

I have an ultimate license on fantasy grounds 2 i was thinking of using that.