Hello there, I am gearing up for a game, and I designed a combat sheet a while back, but i am trying to stream line it. On the sheet, I have a method to have the computer do the roll for you, incase as a GM you do not want to roll for every NPC you are running. I had the cell referenct another cell that was to total of a number of other cells, that referenced others, in order to allow for Open Roll (in essence, tghe first cell was a random number from 1-100, and the next cell had a if statement that said, basically, If the previous cell is 90+ then roll, the next cell 91+ etcetra.
What I am trying to do is to try to put all this into one argument. Does anyone know if that is possible? Also, I would like to try to ahve it deal with fumbles as well, but right now I just need the basic open roll, i can figure out how to do various other things if I can get this one to work! Thanks in advance if you can help.