Excel Combat Sheet need help

By shinjox, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

Hello there, I am gearing up for a game, and I designed a combat sheet a while back, but i am trying to stream line it. On the sheet, I have a method to have the computer do the roll for you, incase as a GM you do not want to roll for every NPC you are running. I had the cell referenct another cell that was to total of a number of other cells, that referenced others, in order to allow for Open Roll (in essence, tghe first cell was a random number from 1-100, and the next cell had a if statement that said, basically, If the previous cell is 90+ then roll, the next cell 91+ etcetra.

What I am trying to do is to try to put all this into one argument. Does anyone know if that is possible? Also, I would like to try to ahve it deal with fumbles as well, but right now I just need the basic open roll, i can figure out how to do various other things if I can get this one to work! Thanks in advance if you can help.

Here is how I did it, kind of a sloppy job, a better dice roller will be coming soon

note I did this in open office, I am unsure of the compatibility it has with Microsoft Excel, for maximum compatibility, use Open Office or Libre Office


Well, I am using Excel 2000, so the Open Office you have is likly far newer than mine!

I haven't received any confirmation as to whether or not my Excel file works (I may have saved it in a version compatible with Excel 2000 but I am unsure)

If you could let me know if it works, I'd be most appreciative.

Also, in reference to fitting the entire dice rolling mechanic of Anima into a single argument, that is not possible in a way that preserves the integrity of the previous rolls without the aid of Visual Basic. It can be done, but you'll need to use Visual Basic. Otherwise, every single die result must be stored in a separate cell.

And feel free to download Libre Office while you are at it, it's free. Like no BS free.

AlphaWhelp said:

And feel free to download Libre Office while you are at it, it's free. Like no BS free.

Gotta love Libre Office.

Sorry about that, i have been sorta away for a bit, and havn't been working on the project for a while. Your sheet woreks wonderfully,and i have adapted it, thank you very much, and when I finsihe it and post it, I will make sure to note your assistance in it, give credit where it is due! Again thanks for the info!