I am trying to craft a cultist deck, anyone know of any Asylum packs with good cultist characters?
Cultist Deck
The Yuggoth Contract cycle has the most cultists, outside of the Core set.
The Wailer Below AP has 3 different cultists. Whispers in the Dark has 2, though Brood of Yig is such a great character he might count for more! The same goes for Dangerous Inmate in Screams From Within. He's the only cultist in that AP, but I've found him to be very flexible and a great addition to any Hastur deck. And don't forget characters like Harbinger of Insanity. While not a cultist himself, he works well in any cultist deck.
Cultists are one of my favorite subtypes, especially when you get to sacrifice them to trigger some nifty effects. Or just sacrifice them for the heck of it. I mean, what else are they good for but to serve the whims of their masters?
Have fun!
Ancient Horrors, from the Forgotten Lore cycle, is also tied for the most cultists in a single AP with a total of 3. Two of those characters are from Hastur (1 of which is the Bringer of Fire, a nice character indeed).
You might also consider the Kingsport Dreams AP. It doesn't come with any cultists, but Tulzscha might be a good Ancient One to include in such a deck.
Ha Ha yeah actually thats what inspired me to make it, im not going to have any real gods except for Tulzscha. Thanks a lot, it seems that the majority of cultists are from the Hastur faction.