Space Hulk

By RedMageStatscowski, in Doom

I haven't played using the Doom miniatures in the game whenever I play without expansion (I still use the Doom ones if I play a scenario that requires the expansion, or if I play against more than 1 marine), instead, if playing on an 'original only' scenario against 1 other marine, I use these and I explain why:

Marines=Space Marine (Naturally, the new terminators are too big. Had I own some old school terminators, I'd use them)

Zombies=Genestealers (Most numerous, just want to relive Space Hulk)

Imps=Termagants (Primary Ranger)

Trites=Spore Mines (Pest in 40k, Pest in Space Hulk)

Demons= Hormagaunts (40k don't have any 2-space bases, so the hormagaunt's overhanging body serves as the other space)

Mancubus= Biovore (Big Guns, 'nuff said)

Hell Knight= Warriors (What more do you want?)

Archville= Zoanthrope (Mass psychic)

Cyberdemon= Hive Tyrant (Yeaaah, the big boss)

The reason why I only use them against 1 marine is the fact that I am NOT getting 6 biovores (1 a box, so I need to buy 6 boxes, which is crazy) or 3 Hive Tyrants (I can only use 2 in 40k...). And the reason it's not expansion enabled is the fact that... tyranids don't have enough species to cover the lot.

Have a say about my choices. I don't plan to change anything, but I can do with some comments gui%C3%B1o.gif

There's a rumour circulating that Games Workshop are re-releasing Space Hulk this year.


Guess I dont have to spend those enormous amounts of money trying to find a good deal on ebay anylonger...

Now off to do my "praying" for salvation at the asylym....

Wilfred Owen said:

There's a rumour circulating that Games Workshop are re-releasing Space Hulk this year.

Is that so? Space Hulk was pretty popular.

Hmmm, if that's truly the case, then there will finally be a GW game I'll buy!

Petru5 said:

Hmmm, if that's truly the case, then there will finally be a GW game I'll buy!

Not the case for me, since I collect 8, yes EIGHT!, different armies between all 3 Games Workshop games.

40k: Space Marine, Tyranid, Tau Empire, Orks

Fantasy: Lizardmen, Empire

LotR: Isengard, Rohan

You can call me Games Workshop freak gui%C3%B1o.gif

Make that nine armies to my above post, I started a Wood Elf army for LotR

From what I've been able to gather, Space Hulk is expected to be released this fall from Games Workshop. Ain't It Cool News had some info about it awhile back.

Wilfred Owen said:

There's a rumour circulating that Games Workshop are re-releasing Space Hulk this year.

That's one I would like to see done.

Won't we all. Check out SpaceHulk on BGG, there's some threads there about the rumors of a game coming soon. Even some talk about the game requiring bateries...


Why would a boardgame need batteries... unless they created Genestealer AI...

The musings of batteries was for a clock for the Marine player, ticking off the 2 minutes the player has to do his turn. Something about sound effects, heartbeats going off, etc., to help set the mood. Other then that, no idea. Other rumors are pointing at plastic boards (instead of cardboard).


I was up until recently a 40k fan (Word Bearers), however GW's attitude has changed for the worst during the last 10 years and I've moved on to Flames of War (the scale is better anyway).

This attitude will probably mean leaving Space Hulk in the dust one year after it is re-released, much like all of their other Specialist games.

Which is a shame, because most of the Specialist Games are brilliant (who can argue against a game of Bloodbowl)?

Anyhow, I guess this isn't the forum for me to bag out GW, since there's plenty of other forums that do it.

Back to the actual thread subject, I'd just ebay some Marine and Tyrannid models and use the Doom tiles.

Cailus said:

I was up until recently a 40k fan (Word Bearers)

Back to the actual thread subject, I'd just ebay some Marine and Tyrannid models and use the Doom tiles.


So true, I like Inquisitor and Epic.

I'm just 1 Biovore and 1 Zoanthrope short for my full Doom/Space Hulk set