Advice for next components for a casual DT player

By the-hypnotoad, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Hello all. So I bought the original core set back in 2010 and have played probably 5-6 times in the intervening time. I totally love the game, it's just that I really don't have time to play a whole lot. Anyway, I recently added the two command squads ("the boss" and "kommanotrupp") and have been thinking about dropping another chunk of change into more product.

For roughly the same cost it looks like I can get:

- revised core set, which comes with 6 squads, 2 light walkers, victory bridge scenario book, 12 more dice, and 2 flimsy terrain posters


- seelowe + grim reapers + axis gorillas, which gives me 2 squads, 2 heroes, seelowe scenario book, and terrain tiles with buildings

Which of those two would you recommend for someone that is still at a pretty basic level with the game and only plays every few months? Or would you point me in a completely different direction to better round out my forces? And which scenarios (victory bridge or seelowe) did you think were the most interesting and fun?

On it's face it seems as though the revised set is a better idea and would give more options for play, but for whatever reason the units from the set that I saw weren't really getting me excited. Thanks a lot!

It don't seems you play much as you say, so no big changes are needed. I would go for operation cyclone + snipers/observers and after some time medium walkers. ;)

The revised set as its far better value and you get more and different walkers and you can never have enough dice.

I would go for the revised core set.
The Victory Bridge missions are great fun and you can play them with 200 points (instead of the 130 in the box) so with what you have you will actually need to chooce your force, giving each mission more replay value.

It is worth getting the updated points cost from the FFG website so that you know the points for the models from the original core set when you want to use them in any of the expansions.

the-hypnotoad said:

For roughly the same cost it looks like I can get:

- revised core set, which comes with 6 squads, 2 light walkers, victory bridge scenario book, 12 more dice, and 2 flimsy terrain posters

I`m afraid you will get only 6 dices with RCS.

I much prefer SeeLowe over Victory Bridge.

Loophole Master said:

I much prefer SeeLowe over Victory Bridge.

Mission five in SeeLowe ranks high in my lists of missions I like. It is just that in Victory Bridge because of the Bridge tiles those games differ a lot more in look than the missions in SeeLowe.

Also Mission 8 in SeeLowe is my lowest ranked mission.

(I'm sure other people like and dislike other missions, I'm only saying what my view is and not stating it as fact.)

Dunno, with the different building combinations, the SeeLowe missions are very varied. And I find them to be also very balanced. With Victory Bridge I find that all missions, except for the "blow up the bridge" one, favour heavily the defender.

Thanks to all for the advice. Still not sure what direction I'll go in but I feel like I have more info now! Do people like the light walkers that come with the revised edition set, or are they just kind of 'squad fillers' that you only take if you have points left over?

Lska, you mentioned Operation Cyclone; what makes you recommend that set? It looks like it comes with a healthy amount of terrain tiles, more tank traps and crates, plus two additional heroes and the Cyclone scenario book.

My suggestion would be the Revised Core Set like you say but also adding the Grim Reapers to that order for balance reasons.

My other suggestion is grabbing Operation Cerberus, Observer/Sniper teams and another Medium walker box for each side.

That would give you:

New combinations for your existing medium walkers as well as the ability to field 3 per side with the new addition of artillery! - which you're command squads could call on as well

Spotters and Snipers for some variety and more tactical options.

2 new heroes that work with any of your existing squads.

The 3D buildings for some New variety with the new scenarios.

Lastly, grab Operation Cyclone IF you have some cash left over, the terrain tiles are alot of fun as are the missions but I find the two heroes get left out of most of our games. The Operation Cerberus buildings seem to add alot more to the game in my opinion over more tiles.

The game would also be kept fast due to not having any Armor 3 infantry or Armor 3 walkers to lookup on the damage chart. Seems like a minor thing but it can be a factor when playing with new people.

The Light Walkers in the Revised Core set are really great. Hans is a beast and we are STILL waiting for a ruling in the rules forum on how Scout interacts when it enters the board. preocupado.gif

the-hypnotoad said:

Thanks to all for the advice. Still not sure what direction I'll go in but I feel like I have more info now! Do people like the light walkers that come with the revised edition set, or are they just kind of 'squad fillers' that you only take if you have points left over?

Lska, you mentioned Operation Cyclone; what makes you recommend that set? It looks like it comes with a healthy amount of terrain tiles, more tank traps and crates, plus two additional heroes and the Cyclone scenario book.

As for walkers Blackhawk isn't picked too often in my playgroup, range 2 makes it usefull only on tight maps. Hans on the other hand is one of the best light walkers so far. Multi-purpose walker with scout!

As for op cyclone:

-it has scenarios that don't consider lots of points as SeeLowe.

-it gives you more white tiles that fit to old core set

-it has the most interesting scenarios so far IMO, as loopie said RCS is kinda defensive concentrated campaign.

-as for crates and tank traps, i wouldn't look at them as an important element of addons. I use no more than 4 TT and 4 crates per game. Even when playing with havies.

-also IMO don't rush in the armor 3 squads. They change the game A LOT, and you don't need that right now, do it slow and steady to get the most out of Dust Tactics ;)