Hi there!
Yesterday we played this PoD adventure for the first time. And we had a little problem: at a certain point Brady shows you another way out. You're instruct to put the Patio into play. Is the Patio in some way connected to the Front Yard or the Graveyard? I'm asking because of the Camp fire. It's better burning some corpses rather than saving them as Shoggoth food.
But if they are not connected, what's the sense of this "other way out"? It's just something more you have to take care of, and nothing else (no objects, no clues, nothing, just a corpse marker that can be raised as a zombie by the Keeper. It's a waste of time going there.
Plus: what if the named witch is killed? There is nothing preventing invstigators from doing that. How can she complete the ritual (we played according to clue 1A). It's kind of a non-sense. A witch is celebrating a ritual. Investigators kill the witch. And then? You still have to play, and if the Shoggoth eats enough people you read "the witches completes the ritual". What the Hell?