Til death do us part - Map questions

By Julia, in Mansions of Madness Print on Demand Expansions

Hi there!

Yesterday we played this PoD adventure for the first time. And we had a little problem: at a certain point Brady shows you another way out. You're instruct to put the Patio into play. Is the Patio in some way connected to the Front Yard or the Graveyard? I'm asking because of the Camp fire. It's better burning some corpses rather than saving them as Shoggoth food.

But if they are not connected, what's the sense of this "other way out"? It's just something more you have to take care of, and nothing else (no objects, no clues, nothing, just a corpse marker that can be raised as a zombie by the Keeper. It's a waste of time going there.

Plus: what if the named witch is killed? There is nothing preventing invstigators from doing that. How can she complete the ritual (we played according to clue 1A). It's kind of a non-sense. A witch is celebrating a ritual. Investigators kill the witch. And then? You still have to play, and if the Shoggoth eats enough people you read "the witches completes the ritual". What the Hell?



The Patio has a reason to exist in scenario 1C, as an much needed escape route. I don´t see it as connecting neither to the Front Yard or Graveyard.

When I played the scenario(1C) with a group of 3 investigators, they had no time for burning corpses, nor were they in any condition to take on the Widow Fernstrom once she arrived at the scene, simultaneously getting a Shoggoth between her and them.

When reading the Objective card as the Keeper, it seemed logical in regard to the flavour text to keep the witch alive if possible, to keep the flavour text making sense. Guess that´s part of what I see as the fun playing the keeper. ;)

It makes sense to play on in 1A even though the witch is killed, since she has nothing to do with the objective, like the Shoggoth has, both for the keeper and the investigators.

For flavour reasons, imho your keeper should have kept her alive though. :)

Gromarch said:

For flavour reasons, imho your keeper should have kept her alive though. :)

::laughter:: I'm the Keeper :-)

Thanks for answering to this very old thread. Since I wasn't collecting answers here, I posted it in the main section as well, and other people gave me the very same answers. I guess you're right about the flavour and all the rest; I'm still not 100% happy with the Scenario, though.

Let me explain my point of view. After some (not many; more or less 15) games of MoM, I noticed that if something goes wrong (investigators losing time and not collecting quickly enough the clues), it's very difficult that things happening via Event cards (for example) has a proper sense. And honestly none of us likes the way Objective reveals victory conditions *before* the last clue is found. Something like: "so, we entered the Mansion, we know something horrible's happening but we never found out what it is, but now we fly from the foyer so we win" dramatically crushes our enthusiasm.

The same also for some happenings during the story: they are not logically coherent with all the rest. You still find a way to do things, but nonetheless you perceive the flaws of the game. As per the patio thing in this Scenario: ok, you can use it if Objective C is chosen, but it would have been much better if the "unexpected" room would integrate with *every* Objective, and have a tactical meaning

That's the main reason why we don't play this game that often, I guess. The first part is great, and then…