I know deckbuilding is a significant portion of the strategy/fun of the game so I'm not suggesting this as a frequent tournament idea as it removes a good deal of the fun and skill, but what are people's thoughts on a solo tournament where the quest and also the player deck (50 cards) is pre-set by the tournament organizer? This could either include the 3 heroes being pre-set as well, or pre-set just the player deck and allow players to choose any 3 heroes they like to match the pre-set quest and player deck.
Then have players play 3 games using the same scoring system juicebox is using.
The idea being to eliminate the deck building skill portion and really test a player's tactical skill at playing the quest. Of course the encounter deck draw would still be random and present an element of luck but it might be interesting to see how much the scores vary and what the different strategies players used with everyone having the same player cards.