Jaguar Revolver Difficulty X / CC 3 Speed X / Damage X
Static Text
X is equal to your momentum.
If I play Rejection, does the value of this attack get reduced to 1, or does it stay equal to the opponents momentum?
Jaguar Revolver Difficulty X / CC 3 Speed X / Damage X
Static Text
X is equal to your momentum.
If I play Rejection, does the value of this attack get reduced to 1, or does it stay equal to the opponents momentum?
It will go to 1. The "X is equal to your momentum" for the damage is what is is set to when you play the attack, not what the damage is constantly.
totally not sure about this one... IT HAS been ruled before that if my momentum increases while this card is around, that would change the damage of the attack (contrary to ENder Dragon's response... lord knows if that had changed last I checked it)... Which I suppose will still be 1, due to the text of rejection...
What about normal damage reduction against JR? I'd assume if momentum changes would change the damage during the attack, then it'd be increased or decreased as well... so if "E: this attack gets -3 damage" when JR was at 3 momentum and then goes up to 5 momentum... would JR resolve for 2 now?
In the case of Rejection, the damage is changed to a set number, so it is no longer X. In the case of normal damage reduction, it would work as follows.
You have 5 momentum, so when you play JR, X = 5.
Your opponent uses Tendon Strength, so the damage is now X-2=3
If you E with Natural Leader to gain 2 momentum, X changes to 7, therefore X-2 now =5.
Yeah, I was good with Algebra back at school.
On the previous set of forums, there had been functional errata applied to Jaguar Revolver indicating that X was fixed when the card was played.
So in this case, the above comments that Rejection would drop the damage to 1 is correct. You would then modify it up or down from the 1.
For the moment, the original clarification can be located HERE
Heh. Sorry i was unaware of that 'ruling'. Touchy topic, eh? heh.
What's also funny is that it never got an officla thumbs up from a source more official than mods / rules arbritors. not like it really needed it. Your words good enough, (or... whoever the mods words were...). You a rules mod on the new forum antigoth? (not that I'm questing this.. oh gawd we don't need the slew of rerulings that needed done again when the forums changed LAST time... ugh).
Just to quickly address that:
Per the Q&A forum description, the old Rules Arbitrators are still rules Arbitrators. That's not changing.
When the living rules thingy comes into existence, it may or it may not change. James has said that he'd prefer to keep us around.
Regarding the Jaguar revolver ruling, it was never vetted "online" by FFG staff, however the Wednesday prior to Gencon, there was a meeting in Indy between myself, Fred, Omar, James & Steve and during that meeting it was confirmed that the Jaguar Revolver ruling was functional errata, and it stands until at least the revised tournament rules being issued. There were a few interactions that made anything else messy.