I read on forums that the cost of heros is the sum of Willpower+Atack+Defense+Hit points. So all the heroes in the core set verify this theory. Bilbo do not. HIs threat cost is 9 instead of 6. I want to now for sure is not a mistake. If it is a printing mistake I want to change this. Thanks in advance.
Bilbo print mistake or no? Threat 9 or just 6?
Bifur doesn't follow this rule either, the total of his WP, attack, defense and health are 8 but his threat is only 7. I think Bilbo's threat being 9 was meant to balance out his ability, though perhaps to an extreme that makes him a little overpriced threat wise.
coupled with protector of lorien bilbo is amazingly powerful hero- and worth every point of that threat
Right, and his ability makes Protector of Lorien even more viable with more cards to discard. So that reinforces the fact that Bilbo's threat isn't a mistake, just one of the exceptions to the rule.
on a side note im not sure it was ever officially stated by ffg that the attck + defense + willpower + hitpoints, at least i dont ever recall them saying that
richsabre said:
on a side note im not sure it was ever officially stated by ffg that the attck + defense + willpower + hitpoints, at least i dont ever recall them saying that
I think they mentioned that formula when introducing Bifur. IIRC the low threat compared to other heroes, not follwoing the WP+AT+DF+HP formula, being one of his major advantages.
Thank you all for the answers. I am only an amateur and I want to discuss about the card becouse I like very much the game and I want to play it well. It was not an official state by ffg that the attck + defense + willpower + hitpoints, I found it somewhere else. I don't remember the site or forum, but I search again and hopefuly find and post it again.
Thanks very much again
Greetings. Terry