House card special abilties used after sword token?

By Mordante, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Is the valerion (excuse spelling) blade abilitiy used after all the house cards have used their special abilities (if any( or can house use their ability after the blade toekn has been used?

Especailly intrested when the combat fate deck thing is used.

Mordante said:

Is the valyrian blade ability used after all the house cards have used their special abilities, if any (or can a house use their ability after the blade token has been used?)

Especially interested when the combat fate deck thing is used.

The Order for Combat is as follows:

1. Call for Support

2. Calculate Initial Combat Strength

3. Choose and Reveal House Cards

  • (Draw Tides of Battle Cards)

4. Use Valyrian Steel Blade

5. Calculate Final Combat Strength

6. Combat Resolution:

  1. Determine Victor
  2. Casualties
  3. Retreats
  4. Cleanup

Text Abilities on House Cards will usually state WHEN they are to be used.

From the FAQ:

House Cards

Q: If a House card’s text ability says “after combat...,” when is that card resolved?

A: At the end of the Combat Clean Up step of Combat Resolution (after played House cards are discarded to their respective discard piles).

Q: If a House card’s text ability says “immediately...,” when is that card resolved?

A: After any “ignore” or “cancel” text abilities are resolved, but before any other effects are resolved.

Is there a particular House Card you have a question about?

I needed to check something we did when we used the Aeron Damphair" card (Greyjoy) after we revealed housecards and then the sword was used (plus combat card) the player then used damphairs special ability of "immediately discard 2 power tokens to discard damphair and choose to play another house card instead.

just to clarify house card abilities used in step 3?

phase 3 is where players see your cards and then realize they can't win the battle, and try to rescind their march order/cancel the attack.

ONCE HOUSE CARDS ARE PLAYED, there is no going back.

blade is used after house cards. (if needed)

Mordante said:

I needed to check something we did when we used the Aeron Damphair" card (Greyjoy) after we revealed housecards and then the sword was used (plus combat card) the player then used damphairs special ability of "immediately discard 2 power tokens to discard damphair and choose to play another house card instead.

To clarify this specific example, Aeron Damphair's ability needs to be declared before Valyrian Blade is declared. If the player passes, and then the sword is used, then it's too late to change your mind on using Aeron Damphair's ability.