Quick Question: Requisition Items

By Dezmo1218, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Are requisitioned items permanently bought for the Kill-Team and stored in a 'locker/armoury', or is it just for that mission it was bought for?

Example, a Devastator bought a suspensor for his Heavy Bolter for mission A, does he get to keep that upgrade for mission B or does he have to purchase one again if he wants to use it?

Or a non-weapon example... one of my Tactical Marines buys a multi-key... does that stay with him or does he have to requisition one for each mission?


Items that have been requisitoned only stick around for one mission. If a player wants their character to gain permanent access to a piece of wargear, weapon or otherwise, they need to get the Signature Wargear talent (that can initially be found in the General Space Marine Advances table).

That's what I figured... Thanks Professor!

And then you have the cybernetics issue...

You req some you gain handicap...

Look my bright new cyber arm tell the SM in mission, then look at my missing arm when back in Erioch...

A real problem with some kind of players.

At worst, a replacement bionic should be an one-off cost for an involuntary replacement. And voluntary replacement should be restricted to techmarines and maybe Iron Hands. Most marines do not seek bionic enhancement for a number of reasons.

In my own campaign, if a marine loses a limb or eye in the line of duty they will be given a reknown-appropriate replacement at the next possible opportunity at no cost. The only exception might be for gross incompetence in the mission, but an alternate punishment that doesn't impair combat ability would be more likely than denial of replacement bionics.

Thebigjul said:

And then you have the cybernetics issue...

You req some you gain handicap... Look my bright new cyber arm tell the SM in mission, then look at my missing arm when back in Erioch...

A real problem with some kind of players.

Once a Bionic is attached, it's permanently attached. This is because of how they fixate the nerve endings in the joint at the shoulder or hip directly into the machine so that it functions alongside the body, rather than it just being a prosthetic leg.

If you want confirmation on this then Page 176 of the Core Deathwatch Rule Book, underneath the Cybernetics entry, quite clearly states that such augmentations are permanent.

One does not simply remove a Bionic Arm. Without the help of Xenos, of course.

The issue is when you're performing the daily rituals in a Watch Fortress and other Astartes may regard you with contempt or disregard you simply because you have a Bionic Arm.

That said, if you loose a limb or other body part while in battle, then you do get a basic replacement for FREE. Quite simply, to keep the Astartes functioning without needing to resort to limb regrowth, which takes months... If you want to upgrade that Bionic however, then you pay the Requisition cost for your next mission in it's entirety, or you wait until you lose that body part again. Then again, that's just me interpreting the fluff the way I do.

This of course goes for currently existing Cybernetics as well. If you want to improve them, then you improve them when you buy them, if you have the Renown, if not then you need to wait until your Bionic's blown to pieces to replace it.