While playing with my group, we found few things that were unclear to us. If you could clarify, I would be very grateful
1. True Grit and Daemonic Trait - Does Daemonic Trait bonus counts for reducing Critical damage?
2. Casting Foul Cage power - it a blast with opposed WP test.
If the Focus Power Test is an Opposed Test, the psyker must successfully pass the Test and gain more Degrees of Success than at least one of his opponents to activate the power.
Does that mean that if the psyker wins opposed test with one of three guardsmen in radius of the spell, all three are affected by foul cage (because the power activates,and all are in blast radius), or only the one that failed the test?
3. Does Size speed bonus counts for dodging blast weapons/spells? Or only Ag
4. Rounding - in case of mighty shot, unnatural characteristics etc. Do you round up or down ?
Thanks for help, and sorry if I made any mistakes