what would your anser be ?

By finalform13, in Odds & Ends

your tradeing or just in a conversation over the internet or at a turnament

your talking to a noob and your tradeing or talking about rarety of kh cards

and in thise conversation they say some thing like thise well thise is totally worth more its a ssru ? (or along those lines)

what would your anser be ?

mine would be like thise. um.....no its not the a ssru or a rare sru cause sru are just plain old sru cloud might be better then king triton but he isnt really rarer there is equaly the same amounts made just maybe were you live they only sent some odd clouds and more tritons then clouds it doesent mean cloud is rarer its just rarer to pull one were you live well that would be my anser

ps. have you ever been called a noob by a noob (and you have been playing for like A YEAR! and they have been playing fro like a month or two what would be your come back to that comment ?

The question is vague and uninformative.

Also; you lack the understanding of the term 'Noob', in comparison to the term 'Newb' as well as 'Noob'.

i know what noob means im not stupid

finalform13 said:

i know what noob means im not stupid

I defy you to correctly define the term since you used it so incorrectly in the first post.

Correction: have you ever been called a noob by a newb