Explosives and Demolitions

By Inquisitor Shego, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Howdy guys. I'm debating on building an infiltrating Apostate/traitor guard. She'll be based on subterfuge, sneaking into instalations, hacking, and planting explosives. One thing I can't seem to find though are the rules for making demolition tests to destroy structures. A dangerous terrorist for sure.

Does anybody have an idea what rule I use? Also, any good suggestions on what's essential for a terrorist? I'm thinking its a cross between GI Joe's Baroness, and the mission in Modern Warfare 3 where they infiltrate the castle during the lightning storm.

Thanks, and happy to be here :)

Inquisitor Shego said:

Howdy guys. I'm debating on building an infiltrating Apostate/traitor guard. She'll be based on subterfuge, sneaking into instalations, hacking, and planting explosives. One thing I can't seem to find though are the rules for making demolition tests to destroy structures. A dangerous terrorist for sure.

Does anybody have an idea what rule I use? Also, any good suggestions on what's essential for a terrorist? I'm thinking its a cross between GI Joe's Baroness, and the mission in Modern Warfare 3 where they infiltrate the castle during the lightning storm.

Thanks, and happy to be here :)

The appropriate skill for setting explosives is Tech-Use, and the sidebar on page 112 explains how to use the Tech-Use Skill for demolitions.

Inquisitor Shego said:

Howdy guys. I'm debating on building an infiltrating Apostate/traitor guard. She'll be based on subterfuge, sneaking into instalations, hacking, and planting explosives. One thing I can't seem to find though are the rules for making demolition tests to destroy structures. A dangerous terrorist for sure.

Does anybody have an idea what rule I use? Also, any good suggestions on what's essential for a terrorist? I'm thinking its a cross between GI Joe's Baroness, and the mission in Modern Warfare 3 where they infiltrate the castle during the lightning storm.

Thanks, and happy to be here :)

Demolition Charges, or even better Demolition Kits, are you friends here! A kit has enough explosive damage to level a tank if set properly, and multiple kits spread out across a structure will cripple just about anything. Make sure to be strong enough to lug the heavy demolitions gear around, and maybe back it up with a melta-gun?