What if I discard a ally after comiit him to a quest ?

By Marael, in Rules questions & answers

I commit an ally to a quest during step 1 of Quest Phase. In the end of Step 1 I play Ride to Ruin (discard an ally to put 3 progress tokens in the active location). In the rulebook it says: "Characters commited on step 1 are considered commited unless removed by a card effect". It not says anything about leave play

On the part of combat, it says explicity: "If a character leaves play the attack is considered undefended".

So, the Willpower of this ally still counts ?

The same if Eowyn with one life is commited and I get the Treachery Card "The Necromancer Reach"; his Will still counts ?

I don't think the Necromancer's Reach instance is correct because you don't add will of your heroes or threat of the staging area until after all cards are revealed. Since Eowyn is not in play when it is time to compare will to threat, you do not get to count it. That's just my opinion though. I'm sure there's an official ruling somewhere, but I have not seen it.

there is an action window between the staging step (after everyone is commited) and tallying up threat/willpower, so if you commit, then they get removed i dont believe it will count- for instance i was playing with about 3 1 hit point dwarves commited- then the staging step brought death to them all- so i had to not count there willpwoer

Marael said:

unless removed by a card effect

Ride to Ruin is a card.......and it´s effect is a card effect.

If a Hero gets killed while questing, its willpower won´t count.

i can always appreciate your answers muemakan- you always manage to say your point in a sentence when it takes me a paragraph

Marael said:

I commit an ally to a quest during step 1 of Quest Phase. In the end of Step 1 I play Ride to Ruin (discard an ally to put 3 progress tokens in the active location). In the rulebook it says: "Characters commited on step 1 are considered commited unless removed by a card effect". It not says anything about leave play

On the part of combat, it says explicity: "If a character leaves play the attack is considered undefended".

So, the Willpower of this ally still counts ?

The same if Eowyn with one life is commited and I get the Treachery Card "The Necromancer Reach"; his Will still counts ?

In order for you to do what you mention above you would have to discard a readied ally during the Player Actions before "Resolve Quest " or wait til after progress tokens were placed on the quest to discard a committed character. .

If a committed character (whether it be a Hero or Ally) leaves play before the Resolve quest step they no longer contribute their will to the quest.

I thinked that is this way, but my frined pointed me the rules clear talk about the leaves play in combat. Thanks for everyone for the replies, and it is good that I do not played wrong. My scores likes it