Figures are fantastic

By vermillian2, in Anima: Tactics

And yeah that's about all I can contribute. An old acquaintence of mine from STG / UFS fame, Dave Freeman, has been working on this a bit, seems to think its solid, and for that I keep meaning to check it out. So yeah. All I can contribute is +1 to minis look, sculpt and style.

I play a few miniature wargames. And I must say that for how "little" the models are, they have a ton of detail. Very captivating, challenging to paint and they really add to the gaming experiance.

Have you seen the new Celia? Best Anima figure ever.

I certainly love the figures as well...unfortunately they are a bit challenging to paint...especially being a noob painter like myself -_-

I agree the figs are amazing, plus I love the fact there is little flashing to remove from the models. The only character I've had a problem with is Duncan. Had some issues getting both of his arms to attach, had to settle for one and putty in the gap on the other. Anyone else have this problem or have issues with other models that I should be on the look out for?

I looked at the minis that were painted on the site and I thought they came pre-packaged (ala Wizkids) and there wasn't any work that needed to be done. What else comes with the figure in the blister? Is there anything stopping me using one of my hundred Reaper mini's that I already have painted?



Yes... the figures come with their stat cards, and the cards for their abilities.

They do look great! What scale are they? 28mm?

yeah 28mm is the orginal... but a few models are a little larger (30mm) or really big like Konosuke (55mm)

I would say most models are 30mm, at least normals-sized humans. Some of them, like Azriel the Inquisitor are even taller. However smaller races , for example the daimah (take a look at my avatar for an example) are a little smaller and their minis are 27-28 mm.

White Phoenix said:

I agree the figs are amazing, plus I love the fact there is little flashing to remove from the models. The only character I've had a problem with is Duncan. Had some issues getting both of his arms to attach, had to settle for one and putty in the gap on the other. Anyone else have this problem or have issues with other models that I should be on the look out for?

Kanoske is a bit awkward because his is misporportioned. if you are any kind of sculpter, work on his arms to make the biceps the correct length. And there is another guy that was a bit puzzeling to put together only because he is in an awkward pose he is a Samael Fig with a cape out back and he is suposed to be playing with his staff of to the right side of his body. I forgot his name and my cards arnt with me atm.

ArmySyko said:

I looked at the minis that were painted on the site and I thought they came pre-packaged (ala Wizkids) and there wasn't any work that needed to be done. What else comes with the figure in the blister? Is there anything stopping me using one of my hundred Reaper mini's that I already have painted?


Each character comes with its own stat card and a condition card and a special equipment card that can be used for ANY of your other models. No 2 Characters have the Same equipment card so it is nice if you can afford to get all the figs.

How do the figures compare to the Descent figures? anyone know? quality, hold shape, detail...etc

I have been collecting this game since it first became available here in Australia. The figures are very nicely done and I have even made a few myself from the artwork (I sculpt figures for a living) as I was impatient and couldn't wait. :-) I have everything that is curently available in Australia, including the RPG book for the art and the "fluff". The miniatures game plays well and I am hanging out for the expanded rule book so that I can use all the rules for all the figures!

I am in the process of painting Takanosuke and was wondering whether anyone else had noticed that his right hand, holding the blades is actually a left hand? Not a problem for me as I will just re-sculpt the hand to a right hand but the quality control department at FFG might need a slap on the wrist! :-)


Cipher Studios makes Anima, not FFG.

Besides, it's fantasy. Maybe he's supposed to have two left hands. He could just be very very liberal.

Cipher Studios makes Anima, not FFG.

Good point, however as FFG are the "shopfront" for the product they need to be informed. FFG can then take the matter up with Cypher to have the figure rectified before the game realy takes off, which I sincerely hope it does!

Besides, it's fantasy. Maybe he's supposed to have two left hands. He could just be very very liberal.


The figure painted up very nicely, I finished it last night. I am sure it wouldn't win any prizes but I was happy with the results. I have decided to paint Janiel next.


Post a picture. Actually, I keep meaning to start a painting thread, but it would help if I had painted figures to show. I have many partially painted ones, but other things intrude. I am going to put in a concerted effort to finish my Alis Testarossa this weekend. Plus, the Celia CMON contest is coming soon, and so I will have a figure for that as well.

Yeah.....Still trying to work out how to do that; any hints would be welcome (computers are not my forte!).


Well, if the trouble is posting them to your image host, then I can't really help you out. A lot of people like Flickr, but I don't use it (I just upload pictures to my own domain) so I can't really help you. If the trouble is getting them here, just clicking the "little mountain with sun" icon at the top of the post window will bring up a dialog where you can paste the URL for your photo.

Thanks Bexley; I will look into it but I might have to enlist the help of one of my freinds who subscribes to more chat sites than I do.
