About Yellow Space Marines' Movement

By Burferking, in Death Angel

Hi guys,

I wanted to be 100% sure that when Yellow Space Marines resolve Move and Activate, they swap with the other Space Marine being moved.

Example #1 : If Yellow wanted to go at the bottom of this formation: Yellow Green Blue Red, this would become R G B Y and not G B R Y, since there would be shifting?

Example #2: Yellow wants to go where blue is, in this formation: Yellow Green Blue Red. This becomes B G Y R ?

Burferking said:

Hi guys,

I wanted to be 100% sure that when Yellow Space Marines resolve Move and Activate, they swap with the other Space Marine being moved.

Example #1 : If Yellow wanted to go at the bottom of this formation: Yellow Green Blue Red, this would become R G B Y and not G B R Y, since there would be shifting?

Example #2: Yellow wants to go where blue is, in this formation: Yellow Green Blue Red. This becomes B G Y R ?

Those examples are correct: yellow swaps places, and no shift occurs. Don't forget that yellow can still choose to reface but whomever he swaps with does not get that luxury unless they move+activate themselves in an oncoming turn.