Gcaban Playgroup haves and trades

By gcaban, in Universal Fighting System



Blazing Soul Battery

Cutless Europa x2

Special Mission: Sing Tomahawk


True Shrike Dash: x2

Yoga Flame

Oni Muso

Ice Coffin

Hugo's Body Press

Imeru Shikite x3

Midnight Pleasurex2

Vermillion moon

Yuri's Super Upper

Dropping Embrace

Nagase's Unrelenting Fire

Mezentius Sand Bomb

Double Typhoon:

Mirror Fan Strikes x4

Amazon River Run

Jaguar Thousand x2

Psycho Break smasher

Dynamic Drop

Shallow Slam x5

Freezing Execution

Somersault Dkull Diver

Death Puppet

Broke Promise

Solar Slash Dance

Supreme Rising Rage flash

Demon Cradle

Heavenly Phoenix Dancing Stomp

Boomerang Raid

Hallowed Slug of the Heavenly conqueror

AssetsAncient battle ground


Mei-Lin's Ward

Vampiric Aura

Self Confidence

Arrogance x2

Queen's Guard

Jeff's Glvoes


Hualin's Shop x4


Accursed Power

Queen of Victory

Yang's Sneakers

Hidden Beastly Powers

Huge Appetite


Lost Cathedral Ruin x 4

Cathedral Overlook

Inner Circle

School Uniform

Field of Storms

Liquid form

Ancient trainign ground

government Sponsorship

Seal of Structure

Punching Bag


Shadaloo Crime Syndicate

Supernatural Heritage

Combat programming

Seal of Malice

Ancestor Spirirts

Namu Abi Dabi:

Superhuman strength

Looks that Kill

US Air Base

Battle Scarred Chest x2

Impossible contortion

Family Tradition


Taking them down a level

Death cross dancing

Blinding speed

the price of foolishness

military disciplin

Rush down

No I in Team

Igyo Tenshin no Jutsu

flurry of thrusts

Malicious Intent


Shadow Strike

Tae Dwon Do Strike

Ulterior Motives

Dan's taunt x2

Darm's Length

Soul Absorbtion x2

Insticual Rivalry

Final confrontation

Forceful Resoltion

Flashy leg work

mark of the wolf

clean rematch

feral shield rush

caught up in the moment


Traveling man

special ops

Luna's Encouragement

Grappling for glory x2

Flames of Fame

Aurelia's Companionship




s Patronage


World Champion

Revenants Calling

Giradot's Leadership

Clean freak


Cutting Edge

Demuth's Sponsorship x6


Olcadon's Mentoring x10

Seal of Cessastion x9

Fight or flight x4

defender x2

BRT x4

Gorgeous Team x4

Neo Raging Stormx3

Bitter Rivals x4

Mysterious Stance x2

Darkness Blade

Spinning Beat

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