Nabbed this game as soon as it was distributed (by FFG I think) last year, along with A La Carte (and expansion). Seems odd to me that both are now going to be FFG releases; why didn't FFG just release them originally instead of just being a distributor for the US? Will these "new" releases be different from the ones some of us have already? The blurb doesn't even seem to acknowledge that this game is already in existence, so I guess a comparison this far would have been useless.
Does this differ from the version already released in any way?
I'd like FFG to chime in on this as well. It would be nice to know if this is a whole new game, different components, etc.
From what I read on BGG, it's the same game.
There was a thread over there by a guy who needed replacement parts and FFG had to go to a local game store and buy copies, because they were out and no more were on the way for a while. Maybe they just didn't pimp the game too much on this site until they had more available to purchase.
If I were to bet, I'd put money on them having done a in-house reprint of it instead of just importing it.