There are a lot of accessories on that seem like they'd enhance the game quite a bit, but shipping is outrageous. My local game stores only stock the Core Set. Does anyone know of any online / mail-order suppliers in the U.S.? I have (and love) Amazon Prime, but their Dust selection is a bit bare.
Online Dust suppliers in the U.S.?
I like but you woln't see any of the dust modles resin casts there or really anywhere else for that matter.
miniature market is a great store as well it's where I get my stuff since my local store doesn't stock any Dust Tactics stuff. But you won't find any of the special Dust Models resin kits there.
Dakkon426 said:
I like but you woln't see any of the dust modles resin casts there or really anywhere else for that matter.
I order about 90% from here and have always had excellent service with them their prices are also possibly the lowest - but if anybody wants to prove me wrong that would be great.
Maximum said:
Dakkon426 said:
I like but you woln't see any of the dust modles resin casts there or really anywhere else for that matter.
I order about 90% from here and have always had excellent service with them their prices are also possibly the lowest - but if anybody wants to prove me wrong that would be great.
I shop both miniature market and coolstuffinc. One has a lot of stuff at good prices the other has some stuff at great prices. Just depends what your looking for.
I've ordered from both on-line stores and they are both great and within cents of each other. Both also run specials and coupons and now have frequent buyer points programs to make their low prices even lower. Free shipping on orders over $100. So I will wait for a few things to come out and then place an order.
Coolstuffinc. Is where I sold some star wars minis and got a big fat credit to use to help get into dust tactics. But both sites are good. Got my zombies from amazon the other day for just over $7 because I had a $5 credit I earned through a marketing panel I signed up for.
Anyone have a free shipping code for
Zjb12 said:
Coolstuffinc. Is where I sold some star wars minis and got a big fat credit to use to help get into dust tactics. But both sites are good. Got my zombies from amazon the other day for just over $7 because I had a $5 credit I earned through a marketing panel I signed up for.
Miniature Market runs similar offers you just have to check and see what they are looking for.