Hi all,
I have a question on ship transports and one on the Westeros Phase:
1) Does using ship transport count toward your army supply limit?
My position on the Supply Track states my maximum army size is 3. Can I March with my 3-sized army using my ship transports, or would that be breaking the Supply limit, as a 3-sized army + 1 ship = 4?
2) In the Westeros phase, do you reveal the details of all three cards to all players, then adjust Wildling track, then resolve the Westeros cards? I think it seems a bit weird that players would know exactly what will happen on the three cards before resolving the first.
I guess maybe you're supposed to be able to plan your use of power tokens when bidding, based on what will happen on later cards (more bidding/Wildling attack)?
How do you play the Westeros cards in your group, and exactly how do you think they are meant to be played based on what the rules say?