Yes. Yes you CAN Edit your posts.

By Antigoth, in UFS Off Topic

The default url for editing posts on these forums is: X &efcid= Y &efidt= Z &efidm= XYZ

X - The forum subsection such as "UFS Off Topic" , it's a numerical value. For UFS Off Topic that # is 32

Y - For all areas UFS this number is 5. I'm too lazy to go and find out other sections.

Z - This is the thread #

XYZ - This is the # of the post within the thread that you wish to edit.

To edit this post the link would be:

For me to go and edit my trade thread, the link would be:

Here is the link to my trade thread so you can verify my work:

So for those of you who keep saying "You can't edit your posts", you can. I would recommend on your computer keeping a note pad file with the URL if you find that coming up with the right link for editing your trade thread is challenging.

(Or save it as a favorite/bookmark in your browser)

Protip that works for me(in case people fail to read):


2-click edit RIGHT after posting it

3-bookmark the page



so, antigoth remark about bookmarking do works =

SO bookmark FTW is what this amounts too in the end .

Scubadude said:

SO bookmark FTW is what this amounts too in the end .

For those who don't want to figure out the rest of it - yes.

Which is why I referred to it to URL shenanigans earlier. Still, the fact that we have to do this as a workaround kinda sorta sucks. Meh, I'll continue to double post.

Simple way to edit a post:

1. Click "report to moderator".
2. Change "reportar" in the URL to "editar".
3. Profit.

MegaGeese said:

Simple way to edit a post:

1. Click "report to moderator".
2. Change "reportar" in the URL to "editar".
3. Profit.

I like my aloof and scornful solution better. ;p

I just wish we could always edit our posts without having to go through all these URL steps for people who aren't pro PC web designers.

Additional bit of info: editing a topic is how you change the topic's name (handy for trade thread updates!). This one requires you to change "reportar" to "editar_temas", but is otherwise the same as the other method.

This is what is done in Antigoth's first post, which has "editar_tema" in it, which would allow him to change the topic name to, say "No, you can't edit your posts EVER", or whatever else he pleases.