A great night!
I know it might be jumping the gun a little to get into RtL so soon, but my players and I had a collective blast! Only got through the first dungeon encounter, due to unusual time restraints, but a great start.
Due to a random draw, I'm play the Beast Master, and good old Alfric Farrow has gone to seige... Vynelvale? Creators of textiles the world over, apparently.
Anyway! Come third level, the heroes bottled out after I smashed three of their party, bringing my total hero kills to four. That, coupled with a deck reload, shifted me to 16 Conquest. Though unfortunately, I drew some fairly portal heavy dungeon cards, so their conquest rose swiftly to 20, but decided not to take on the summoned Master Demon in level 13.
Some questions have arissen, however!
1) Can the heroes spend fatigue to upgrade their current power dice to silver? I was in a rush due to the time constraints and couldn't find the relevant info.
2) When the heroes flee the Dungeon, do they return to Tamaril, or appear outside the newly explored dungeon location?
3) Can anyone recommend a conveniant system to store all those damned fiddly tokens and peices?
I'm sure there's more than that, but that's all my tired mind can remember for now Cheers! - Chrome