I assume the stairs are considered a "space" where your characters start the game and this is the square they must move to to exit the pyramid. My question is in regards to the end game...can I just stand on one of the numbered squares adjacent to the stairs and keep drawing cards until A) a block falls on my head or B) I have exhausted the rubble cards or C) I have maxed out my WLL? If a block does fall on my head, can I just use my free move to exit to the stairs, take a wound, and consider myself safely escaped?
Pyramid Entrance & Exit Spaces
That's what I did at our game last night, racking up small trinkets, now-useless items and snake bites until a boulder came crashing down and I leapt out of the pyramid action-hero style. Keep in mind that it's not bad to do on your way out, but it shouldn't be your main strategy as the treasures are low value and not associated with any god (for the points bonus). I eventually lost due to points but I didn't mind due to my daring exit.
I posted this question to Fantasy Flight and got the following answer:
"The stairs are considered a space. When a stone block falls in a space where you character is, the stairs are a valid space to jump to, at which point your character will have successfully escaped the pyramid. Therefore, your strategy of drawing rubble cards until something forces you to move is a valid option. Watch out for cobras!"
No. As the rules states on page 12 "If an adventurer is in a space where a stone block falls, that adventurer must immediately jump to an adjacent SQUARE of player's choice to avoid being crushed by the block". You have to move to a square, the stairs are not a square they are the exit. This should be the punishment for greedy people.
Even more, in case you were sorrounded by block and a block falls on you, we consider that the adveturer dies smashed by the block as he can not move to an empty square. This rule is to avoid greedy people that stays at the exit, and they keep collecting treasures thinking that nothing can happen to them.
Is funny, and makes the adventurer to think twice.
Greedy, greedy! you died and loose the game because of your avarice.