Hey all:
I'm a little confused--I just got the NCO Command Squads (along with the Axis and Allies hero packs) and after pulling everything out their boxes, I noticed that one of the sets had come with a transparent token (the size of a reload token) with an unfamiliar symbol on it (looks like a diamond).
At first, I thought that this was a "smoke mortar" token, and I wondered why I didn't have two of them.
Then I thought it was a reload token for the Axis Command Squad, since one of them requires a reload; but if its a reload token, why doesn't it have "reload" on it (like the tokens that came with the other reload units).
Can anyone help me out? What's this token that came with one of my boxes. Is it a reload token? Then what's with the diamond symbol? Is it a smoke mortar token? Then why don't I have two of them?