1st game tonight

By Zjb12, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

Eldest son and I played our first game tonight using just the QuickStart rules for the original core set. He was axis and beat me, but with only one health left on one tank, and 1 squad member from one squad. So pretty close. See what tomorrow brings. May have a few questions soon about how things work, but it's late.

Sounds like a a very close game, good luck next time. P.S. Beware of lasers.

Sounds like a great game!

Kinda makes you wanna play the same game over again, just to correct your errors, enh? Even though the dice rolls can totally negate that...

And check you out -- you got some real quality time in with your son that could never have been gleaned from watching him play a video game...

Welcome to World War Dust, 1947!

Great game, I have been playing with my wife, son (6), and daughter (10), it's a blast and quick enough to keep their attention in it. We do guys versus gals and the guys currently lead with Allies 3 to 1. Welcome to the game and shoot away with any questions you get.

SGTManuel said:

We do guys versus gals and the guys currently lead with Allies 3 to 1.

Hahaha that sounds nice!

It's has been, my daughter is very conservative with her troops, sometimes not committing them when she needs it which frustrates my wife to no end. My son is reckless, but gets upset when he rolls bad or loses a squad so it's funny to watch.

SGTManuel said:

Great game, I have been playing with my wife, son (6), and daughter (10), it's a blast and quick enough to keep their attention in it. We do guys versus gals and the guys currently lead with Allies 3 to 1. Welcome to the game and shoot away with any questions you get.

You shouldn't pick on the women! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Revenge was sweet tonight when I won with the Axis in a much more convincing win! But, one question. In the basic rules, which we are playing a few games of just to get use to everything while I reread the revised directions, it seems unclear...when targeting a squad that a hero is attached to, you have declare which weapon(s) a attacking the squad and which are attacking the hero, is that correct? In other words, the same weapons don't attack both, right?

Glad to hear your having fun. gran_risa.gif

"The player controlling the squad chooses which miniatures are removed." (per rulebook) If you have a hero attached to the squad you may instead reduce that heroes HP and keep your squad members alive.

UNLESS you have a sniper attacking you, in that case the attacker would decide where the damage goes.

Sniper A unit with this skill carries a long-range weapon that allows him to choose his target from a safe distance. When declaring a target, the player specifies which miniature he is targeting (instead of an entire unit). If he obtains a HIT , inflict one damage to that miniature. A sniper does not share this skill with the rest of his squad. (per rulebook)

Something really great about the Sniper teams for the Allies and the Axis is that they have Spotter which changes Hits to misses and misses to Hits so they have a 66% chance instead of only 33% AND they share that with their entire team.... Lots of fun to pair Sigrid with the Axis sniper team. demonio.gif

As an Axis player there's nothing like sniping the Radioman from an enemy command squad or the Flamethrower from the BBQ squad.

Thanks! Of course I found the same answer after I asked!

Zjb12 said:

when targeting a squad that a hero is attached to, you have declare which weapon(s) a attacking the squad and which are attacking the hero, is that correct? In other words, the same weapons don't attack both, right?

No, that's wrong. When a hero is attached to a squad, they are considered a single unit, so any weapons that you chose to target them, will target all the figures in that unit, including the hero. Once you score your hits, the opponent choses whether to remove figures or remove the hero's health. That is, unless you're using a sniper, then you get to chose where the damage lands.

Finally got my second son to play tonight. Started right in with the basic patrol scenario from blue thunder. He won the first game as axis (having 1 full squad left). And then we reversed and I won as axis with two partial squads left. We used to class 2 armor squads from the OCS and then the light walkers from the RCS. While the walkers did a little damage, they mostly got taken out by good rolls from the bazooka and panserschreck.