Dealing with treachery...

By hildargo, in Strategy and deck-building

I am playing a heavy dwarf deck, using a splash of leadership and tactics, and really heavy on lore. I feel like this deck has huge advantages at resource acceleration (Steward of Gondor and Gloin), card draw (Gleowine), and threat management (Gandalf and huge questing ability with Longbeard Map Maker), but the problem I am having is dealing with treachery cards. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Any non-Spirit suggestions.


Yup... What I was afraid of.

only thing i can think of is deck peeking cards- riversong, denethor, the card whose name escapes me but is a presumably aragorn with his ear to the ground

in other words, you either get the treachery out of the way before they come into play with denethor, who yeah isnt a dwarf!, or you look and see what treachery it is and plan accordingly

hildargo said:

Yup... What I was afraid of.

you have to have someone playing spirit., most really good multiplayers decks have test ion them as well through a splash. So you have 3 for each player.. There is no way around this., and if you are solo you have to have a spirit splash at the least.

Elenore is still the best option. Tests of Will is great, but they need to be dug up and that can be to slow.,Also unless you have 3 tombs you only get to use Test 3 times. Elenore allows you to nearly be fearless of treacheries. The only problem with her is that uptap effects at this time seam to be all at action speed, so you are unable to untap her and then cancel a 2nd treachery... so if you cancel and draw a new card and it is a treachery there is no window to untap her and cast again. This is why when you use elenore you want to always use her in every time and really have the will to hold those tests until you HAVE no other option. It is always tempting to cast test on a treachery and not use elenor to negate the surge effect she puts on the cards.

As rich said the only other options are encounter deck peaking. Riversong, Denethor (he can even remove the threat to the bottom of the deck) Ear to the Ground are all examples of cards that let you do this. Many treacheries trigger off card state... like effecting only questers, or only tapped, others off threat level, so peakign and then simply not questing for example is a great way to get around them. If you can get ear to the ground out (dose ANYONE not use this and reiversong?) then you can get good control of the encounter deck.. though this only seams to be great in solo player... when you are drawing 2 or more cards from the encounter deck these peaking cards become nearly useless.

So in short.. the only non spirt solution is really Denethors ability.