
By MinionOfProvidence, in CoC Rules Discussion

Can you attach Khopesh to an invulnerable character? Normally you attach it to a character to have it gain two toughness and then you can choose to damage it and another opponents card but if you attach it to a character with invulnerablity then it means Khopesh could never be destroyed.

Khopesh of the Abyss can't be attached to a character with Invulnerability. This was answered on page 14 of the latest FAQ (version 2.0).

From page 11 of the rulebook: "Characters with Invulnerability can never be wounded, or chosen to be wounded, or have wound tokens moved or placed on them, regardless of card effects."

Yipe said:

Khopesh of the Abyss can't be attached to a character with Invulnerability.

My apologies, that was sloppy on my part. I meant you can't enact the Khopesh's ability on a character with Invulnerability, but you could attach the card to such a character. For what reason I'm not sure, but when in doubt there's probably some obscure combination of events that would make it worthwhile.

I'll try to be clearer in my posts from now own, or just stay out of the rules sub-forum - it's all a bit too complicated for my worn-out brain.

Thanks, i should probably read the updates lol

Yipe said:

I'll try to be clearer in my posts from now own, or just stay out of the rules sub-forum - it's all a bit too complicated for my worn-out brain.


Well said if anything the people playing should be the ones to update rules after all we all are the ones who encounter and problem solve them anyways.

if you can afford to cold cast "The Terror of the Tides" you can instantly would 5... pretty insane combo