Mixing CCG and LCG

By MinionOfProvidence, in CoC Rules Discussion

Can you mix cards from the CCG and LCG? Do they count towards tournament play if you do?

You can mix cards from the CCG (black-border) with those from the LCG (white-border). However, you must use opaque sleeves because the card backs are different between the two editions (CCG cards have "Call of Cthulhu: Collectible Card Game" written on the back, whereas LCG cards are blank).

You can't use CCG-era cards in tournament play unless it's a non-official tournament and the organizer allows them, or in the case of an officially sanctioned tournament, they have been reprinted in white-border format. In the latter case, you must notify your tournament organizer of any black-border cards included in your deck.

Personally, my group uses them all the time. There are some very neat black-border cards, and the expanded card pool allows for theme decks not possible using only white-border cards.