Robb Stark shield?

By mhlarsen, in Battles of Westeros

I am currently painting the Robb Stark figure, but I dont really know what to do about his shield.

The pattern of the shield could suggest the Rainbow Guard, but is this correct?



Well, I am certainly no expert in the world of 'A Song of Ice and Fire', but as far as I can find out by browsing the Internet, the shield should probably be in Tully colors.


As Robb is a Stark, you would be best to paint the shield white, with a grey direwolf emblazoned on it. If you dont fancy the idea of painting a wolf on a tiny shield, just white would be fine, or even just grey. DO NOT paint him in Tully colours, as the Tullys are his Supporters, and he is their King. Also the Rainbow guard is Renly Baratheons personal guard, and is technically Robbs enemy. Hope this helps.


The personal arms of Robb Stark is a grey Direwolf's head on white.