Official and homebrew expansions
Talisman heaven!
I spy some yellow and orange cones for gold and fate!!! Great minds think alike. Hope to see you at UK Games Expo!
It seems that there is enough room on the table
Youch! I won't show that to my little table or it might collapse in fear!
I hope you dont mind me asking how you made the timescape and the darklands game boards and the decks that go with them? Like how did you put them together and everything?
Where can one get hold of the paper where you put your character card, and other cards on. I see that all the 5 players each have one.
Looks pretty nifty
You will find all my unofficial expansions on A similar player sheet is available with the
rulesheet of the Alternative Endings.
There are different ways to print the expansion parts. I tested a big variety of paper, foil, printing sevices.
Not only for Talisman expansions, but also for some other professional use. My suggestion is:
- Character Cards: I printed every character card (official and unofficial) with a high quality inkjet photo printer
on special heavyweight paper. After laminating the sheets, I cut of the cards. So every card has the same size and
also the same "original" look.
It is also possible to print the frontside on a special foil and stick it on an original Character Card, e.g. from
an upgrade set.
- Endings, player sheets etc.: similar to Character Cards
- Adventure cards: They are printed on foil, then cut of and sticked on original Adventure Cards.
If you want a special back side, then stick a foil also the back.
- Boards: Print the three parts on foil and stick them on a part of Forex or wood, e.g. 1,5 to 2,5 mm. Alternatively
ask a professional service to print the board for you.
Do not use a Forex direct print, the quality is not suitable for a game board!
I use a high quality print, laminated and finally glued on Forex.
- Printer:
I have an older Epson R800 inkjet printer (still one of the best photo printers available!), and I use only original
Epson ink.
- Paper:
For Character Cards, Endings, player sheets etc. I use Avery Zweckform No. 2581, Inkjet Paper, woodfree, white, plain,
double side coating, recommendend up to 1440 dpi, 200g.
- Laminating Pouches:
Leitz Hot Seal Laminating Pouches (16926), matt finish 125 mic.
- Foil:
Data Becker Inkjet Foil 0578, PVC, bright white, self-adhesive, wheatherproof, quick dry, recommendend up to 5760 dpi,
scratch-resistant etc.
If you want to have perfect cards and boards, it is nescessary to have all printed professional. This is very expensive
and it's hard to find a professional service, which is able to print cards looking like original FFG Talisman Cards.
With the boards it is a little bit easier, if you find an online photo service which offers digital service on Forex.
I hope this was your question!
Whats the name of all you homebrew expansions. I find all but one on talismanisland.
alternative endings
whats the missing one? It´s the box between timescape and darkland
It is called "The Heroes". This unofficial Expansion is not published yet!
I'm actually thinking of an Expansion update and also a translation of the unofficial Expansions into german language.
Here are some previews:
What are the sizes for each square of additional board? I found a direct service that can print on Forex.