I have a defender, family heirloom, us air base,windstorm,Yuri's super upper,and spinning beat all for trade

By koreymfh, in UFS Trading

I have allot more if you need any thin just ask

You can email me at [email protected]


1 u.s. airbase

1 windstorm

1 Yuri's super upper

2 spinning beat

1 high tide

1 your mind is known to me

2 Arrogance

3 great gerdenheim

2 yoga flame..

3 death puppet

1 hoyoku-sen

6 chester's backing


Sonic boom extra x2

midnight pleasure x2

neo raging storm x2

lunar slash x1

kid sister x1

king of fighter 2006 x3

heel snipe x4 (low want won't trade allot)

I'll update more when I think of stuff I need

no one wants this stuff??

Have a Feline Spike, want your Spinning Beat but not really interested in trading 1-for-1. Wouldn't mind picking up a random copy of Wind Storm / Family Heirloom or something, but then that's too much for 1 Spike -.-' Could you take a look at my trade thread and see if there's any random stuff on there you might have some passing interest in? E-mail me (address in my trade thread) and we can see if something might be worked out.

spinning beat has been traded defender is pending. everything else is still trade able come get it i still need Sonic Boom extra

Did you trade defender? I'm interested in defender and windstorm.

I have sonic boom xtra, that's the only thing I have on your wants list. If you need other stuff let me know too.

the defender is in a trade if it falls through I will post an update.


I haz 2x Sonic Boom Extra and possibly a heel snipe or two.
Interested in High Tide and Spinning beat.

Shoot me an email [email protected]

I have:
x2 Sonic Boom EXTRA
x2 Ira-Spinta (don't really want to trade these)
x1 Heel Snipe

I like:
x1 Wind Storm
x1 Hoyoku-Sen
x1 Spinning Beat

email me at [email protected] so we can work something out also list anything else you might be looking for.


come on help me out guys


Interested in the Hoyoko-Sen, and maybe the Heirloom.

Have 3 Heel Snipes and more.

interested in ur windstorm supper upper and 4x chesters have off ur wants sonic boom extra x2 midnight pleasure x3 and 1 lunar slash plus u can check my list

do you still have defender? if so email me [email protected]