Custom 3d Model Arkham Horror Board - N Scale Model Railroad building materials

By ivory_tower, in Fan Creations

I am beginning to gather a bunch of model railroad stuff to create a custom 3d board. I have a found some cool cobblestone streets and many more items. But, I was wondering if anyone has attempted to do this here on the forums?

I plan to make an area in the center for rolling dice and also a backboard (which not only holds up the hills but will be a place to hang environment and mythos cards for easy reference). I'll include some design schematics and ongoing pics of the project if there is any interest in it.

Interesting idea. Yeah, I'd be interested to see how this turns out. I'd like to see the pics.

This is still in the design phase so I welcome any input to help create this unique piece. Here is what I have planned so far.

  • I am using the N Scale Models which are quite smaller than HO. I plan to use Strange eons to recreate the locations so I can put them next to their building represenation in the scene and give players a place to 'land' when visiting each location.

  • There will be a lake with a river flowing out towards the river docks and unvisited isle.

  • The Silver twilight lodge and witch house will be sort of a "house on the hill" with a long curved driveway through a dense forest.


  • The board itself will sit sideways on the play area with rolling mountain hills toward the backdrop. Extending up from this will be a custom shelf unit to hold each enviornment card and current mythos card of rumor. I want to age this like its an antique so I'm going to use some antique shelf brackets and stains for the wood to rough it up.


  • I will lay cobblestone streets and also a railroad track extending off, near the train station, so that I can extend it into custom expansions modeled in the future (for dunwhich horror first since its my favorite)


  • Model for the General Store lif7463.jpg
  • South Church bac45815.jpg
  • Police Station lif7483.jpg or lif7481.jpg
  • Train station mdp1524.jpg
  • Possible Curiosite shoppe dpmwoo51400.jpg
  • Bank of Arkham dpmwoo50800.jpg
  • River Docks nem10109.jpg
  • Velmas Diner blr90.jpg
  • Witch House brl801.jpg
  • UNSURE BUT i LIKE THE MODEL fal232234.jpg

Well that is all I have found so far. I am trying to shoot for a $300 budget.

Here is the rough draft sketch. This will most likely loosen up a bit as I start to build it. I don't want "strict" straight roads and will try to create a lot of rolling hills for them to curve around.


Looks sweet. There was a cool thread on BGG which looked like a really immersive game. (They played in a room with black drapes, the monsters were drawn from a little treasure chest and so on) I was going to add a link to this thread for you, but I couldn't find it.

Don't forget the decrepit Gambrel-roofed buildings! Gotta have some gambrel-roofs.... Can't wait to see what this looks like.

Maybe I could donate some of my old model railroad stuff to the cause? I have an awesome looking old stone cathedral in storage somewhere (Crap, never mind- all my stuff's HO scale)

I found some better buildings and they are only $5 each!

hh-brimstone-manor_150.gif hh-cider-shack_150.gif hh-pet-shop_150.gif hh-tavern_150.gif hh-station_150.gif

hh-misery_150.gif hh-factory_150.gif hh-costume-shop_150.gif hh-brew-shop_150.gif hh-cemetery_150.gif

here is the link for those that are interested -

Looks nice. Just a pity, there isn't enough building for the whole town. Even if you're mixing with the "Liberty Town" buildings.

I was able to mix in some model train items and since these were cheap at $5, I could spend a little more on the detailed ones. I was able to pick up everything I need for all buildings and graveyard for $220. Add in the flock and monster minis and various other things and I'm looking at around $400 total. Only $100 over my budget. I can live with that.

I'll be starting this in a couple days. I thought about adding some DAILY updates so you guys can watch the project as it goes. I have a couple days off soon and plan to get a lot done right out of the gate.

UNAMEABLE 7679.jpg

Here is the rough layout. I'll be making the hills and everything soon.


Very nice !! Very exciting.

How do the Miniatures look when you put them among the building? We were thinking of doing this on HO scale making a break way piece for each of 9 sections of town.

This is looking incredible so far. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing!!

Hey guys, thanks for checking this out. I have a lot of hobbies and I tend to work on something until I grow bored and then come back to it later. I'm going to start work again on this today and I'll share some more pics with close ups of the mini's and buildings for size comparison.