I and my friends felt the need to apply some changes to the rules.
We would like to share our testing results with the community.
We feel these customizations help improving the player's experience. Our goal was both to avoid the feeling that the bad luck was the only reason of our defeats and not to change the difficulty and the balance of the game.
During the quest phase, if you draw a Treachery card already drawn before (and not cancelled) in the same quest phase, that card ability will not be applied but it takes Surge (i.e. just discard it and draw another).
This applies to Treachery cards with the same title name.
If you draw a Location card already in play you'll put it under the former. No traits or ability are doubled. Just Threat and Progress tokens needed.
- if the Location is the Active Location, it will automatically add its progress token requisites to the former card.
- if the Location is in the Stage area, it will add its Threat and Progress tokens needed.
When the party travels to such a location, all Location cards move together, and the progress tokens needed are added.
In this way, we have achieved that:
- when you travel to a location, all the same locations are travelled (we think it thematically makes more sense)
- when you travel to multiple cards you decrease the threat very quick, but it takes longer to explore the active location
- when you redraw a Treachery already played in the same quest, you get the chance to increase the threat instead, but you don't feel frustrated if you have just handled a treachery and see you need to face the same again.
I hope we can get your feedback.
Thank you!