i'm going to try to turn a current game i'm in into a fan fiction. the story will follow a general outline of the game but some events will be added and/or changed. all events are dramatized for your enjoyment. let me know what you think.
part 1: the strange events leading the the issueing of the greater warrent of trade and founding of House Austin.
chapter 1: Children and Mischief
"By the Emperor Liz, you have to go out with us tonight. Everyone will be there!" said a tall young woman
"Rose I couldn't possibly go into the under hive with you. and neither should you. especially to some vermin infested bar of all things." Liz responded.
"OH Liz it's not the under hive, maybe the middle hive, the upper part of the middle hive. And no one will know who we are. they never have before. besides Victer is going to be there. Please, you just have to go slumming with us!"
"Oh, fine i'll go but my father had better never find out." Liz warned.
"our parents haven't caught us yet have they? Relax it's just a few hours and mine and your dad will be busy all night. no one will ever know. all of us do it." Rose smiled and called her servants in to start getting them ready.
(A bit later) "M'lord governor, the Lord Admiral's and your daughters have just left for that bar in the middle hive. the security detail is already there and operatives are watching them on their way in."
"Thank you, make sure they don't leave for some other rat hole. Keep them safe and don't let them know you are there. if they think us parents are letting them get away with this they will just find something more dangerous to do."
"Yes sir"
"Are you sure this is safe Marius? letting them run around with the savages down there?" Asked rugged man in the uniform of a lord admiral.
"It's safe. The families helped funnel more gelt into law enforcement down there. we also keep a few guardsmen "undercover" to head off problems. relax it's just children having a bit of fun rebelling against their stogie old parents." replied the sector governor.
(somewhere in the under hive of hive Sibellus) "Ok boys, we've been planning this for months. tonights the night. We go in, kill the guards, and ****** the kids. then we'll be living the high life on some pleasure world. And remember if we fail you get to explain why to the boss. he said he would send some reinforcements to us tonight. don't know what that could be, just hope they know friend from foe!" the thug looked around at the scum, thugs, and mutants he had assembled for this job. Gods he hoped nothing went wrong. none of them were known for their mercy.