when you use a shot and then a direct impact can you reuse another shot and another direct hit and all the time? .
direct impacts
kohur said:
when you use a shot and then a direct impact can you reuse another shot and another direct hit and all the time? .
I'm not quite sure what you are asking due to the use of the word "reuse".
If you are asking if you may use an already played blast card after playing a Direct Hit card the answer is no.
If, however, you are asking if you may play a Blast followed by a Direct Hit followed by a second Blast followed by a second Direct Hit followed by a third Blast then yes, you may. You must, however, fire all 3 Blasts from the same ship and all 3 Blasts must also target the same ship.
In short: The only limits to how many Direct Hit --> Blast combos you may play is the number of those cards in your hand and the health of the targeted ship.